Mister Fake Fiance

It all started when my mom sent me a life-sized portrait of my pregnant cousin to hang in my bedroom, presumably to inspire me to find a wife and baby-mama.
Then my date to the evening’s charity’s auction found her soul mate before our date even got started.
And then the psycho ex-girlfriend showed up at the auction and clung to me like an octopus.
What’s a guy to do? Easy...get my assistant to stand in as the “love of my life.”
But what was supposed to be a ruse to get me through the night exploded into something so much more when the press get involved. I probably shouldn’t have shouted, “She’s mine!” in front of all those rabid-eyed reporters, either.
Now the world thinks Erin and I are engaged. I’m ready to publicly set the record straight…
…until Erin suggests staying “engaged” for three months.
A fake engagement would earn me a break from my mom’s baby-nagging and my cray-cray ex’s machinations for another chance.
But…what’s in it for Erin?
