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It’s such a good story, and it neatly avoids anything specific. But it also sounds believable. Not everyone falls in love dramatically, and the way David explains it makes it sound like we just naturally grew close over the two years we’ve known each other. It sounds so…normal and sweet, just what I wished for all my life.

“Aww.” Sophia sighs. “That’s so sweet.”

My heart grows tight and full, like it’s the one that’s overflowing.

And I realize my feelings for David go beyond anything I’ve ever thought possible, even if I don’t have the courage to peer into them too closely.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


When David and I finally get home, it’s after nine. We might’ve lingered longer, but Dane and Sophia had to put Isabella in bed.

“I think that went well,” I say with a small smile. “They’re an interesting couple.”

“I still don’t know why Sophia fell for Dane. He’s such an asshole.” His wry smile says he’s just giving shit to his friend, even though Dane’s not here to hear it.

“Yeah, but your acting was incredible. I think he believed you a hundred percent when you told him how you fell in love with me.” My heart flutters at the memory. Whether it was real or not, every woman should have such a romantic experience at least once in her lifetime.

David blinks. “Well, of course he believed me. I was serious.”

Shock punches me, and I exhale harshly. I stare, unable to process. I should say something, but… “Thank you…?”

David’s eyebrows pinch together hard, creating three deep lines. “Huh?”

Shit. Okay, “thank you” probably wasn’t the most appropriate response. My face grows hot, and I fumble for something more suitable. “I meant… I don’t understand. Why you meant what you said. I mean… I’m not…”

David holds my hand, then turns until he’s facing me fully. “Listen, I’ve lead a very charmed life. A lot of things just came easily for me. School, sports. A great career that I love. But you’re different. You had to work for everything you have, work hard, and I admire your grit and strength. People like that are rare, and true gems. And at the end, they always get what they desire.”

If his announcement that he meant what he said at Dane’s home left me stunned, now I’m utterly speechless. I had no idea he felt this way about me. Or that anybody could see me like that—a strong, worthy person who deserves more than pity and sympathy.

“I hope you get everything your heart desires, Erin,” David adds softly.

A hot emotion I’ve never experienced blooms in my chest as I look into his soft, tender eyes. Goosebumps break out over my skin, and rapid boom boom booms thunder inside me.

I don’t want to hold back, trying to appear normal and sane. For tonight, I want to let go, have this man who sees me in such a beautiful light that it makes my heart full with longing.

Because that’s what I desire the most.

Guided by instinct and sheer emotion, I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss him. His lips are firm and warm. He tenses against me as though in shock. I press harder, then lick, like he did when I baked him that peach cobbler.

A harsh groan tears from his throat, and he kisses me back, wrapping his arms around me.

Yes. Oh yes.

Heat suffuses my body as I wrap my hand around the back of his neck. I whimper, wanting and needing more of him. Our tongues tangle, his mouth searing. I press closer, feel his erection against my belly. Lust pulses through me at the proof of his desire. I gasp softly as the throbbing between my legs intensifies.

“David, I want you,” I whimper against his mouth, fumbling with his shirt buttons. People on TV do this so smoothly, but I can’t seem to undo even one button, like my fingers can’t remember how to perform the simple task.

He picks me up, like a prince would a princess in a Disney animation, and I loop my arms around his neck in surprise. I’ve never been carried like this before. My heart thunders, surprise and excitement coursing through me.

“Bedroom. We aren’t doing this in the living room,” he says, starting up the stairs like I don’t weigh anything.

The lean strength of his muscles creates fresh sparks of need, stoking the fire. His heart drums against my skin, and I bite my lip to contain a moan. I never realized how erotic being carried in a man’s arms could be.

He walks through the door to his bedroom, then curses under his breath and turns right back out.

“What’s wrong?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance