Page 120 of Mister Fake Fiance

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David’s pacing outside his parents’ home. The streetlights show the tight lines of his face, the grim set of his mouth. No other Darlings are around, probably because he looks like a restless tiger ready to rip apart the first person who crosses his path.

The second Mrs. Darling’s car stops in the driveway, he rushes over. He barely acknowledges his mom. He comes straight for me, pulls me out of the car and hugs me like he’s never letting go.

I squeeze him back, hear the thundering of his heart. God, it feels like I’m exactly where I belong, forever. “I’m sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have taken off like that.”

He pulls away, his hands on my upper arms. His fingers flex against my bare skin, and the muscles in his jaw bunch and jump.

It’s the beginning of a temper explosion. I’ve seen it with my dad many times, when it meant time to retreat. Or at least be worried. But somehow I’m not concerned now. Because at the end of the day, David’s angry because he’s worried about me. He cares about me.

“You shouldn’t have left,” he says in a tight voice.

“Yeah. I…just said that.”

He opens his mouth like he wants to yell, then clicks it shut. His shoulders sag a little. “Shelly won’t be a problem again. I promise you that.”

“I know.” I inhale deeply. “Your mom said you know about my mom, but did you know she killed herself, too?” Nerves flutter in my gut. I need to get this all out before I lose courage. “Everyone said she did it because she was crazy, and I don’t want to end up like that. And it’s a huge burden for the family to take care of somebody who struggled like that.”

David looks like he wants to murder somebody. “Is that what you think, or what your dad and Fordham tell you?”

“What?” Why is David bringing up my dad and Warren? “That’s…”

She’s the cross I have to bear.

Dad’s words echo in my head. He said that to his secretary, who giggled in reply.

“That’s what I overheard my dad say,” I respond, as resentment toward my father grows inside me. “I never thought Mom was a burden.”

David’s shoulders relax a little. “Because you loved her.”

I nod. I loved her more than anybody. She was my world, and even though she had her outbursts and struggles, I wanted her to be with me forever.

Is this how David feels about me too? That no matter what happens in the future, we should be together?

“I love you too, Erin. I already told you that. And fuck the people who said you’re going to turn out like your mom. I don’t believe it. You’re the sanest person I know, the sweetest. They’re just jealous. Or maybe trying to control you with fear. Don’t let them brainwash you. Just focus on me. On my love for you.”

Hot emotions wash over me. I feel light, like I’ve shed a suit made of lead. I stand straight, then reach out and hold David’s hands, my eyes on his gorgeous, serious face.

“You remember the question you asked me this afternoon?” My words come out in a shaky whisper.

He nods.

“I never gave you an answer.”

He pauses for a moment. “Well, we…” He glances over at his mother. “No, you didn’t, did you?”

This is a huge step. If I take it, it means David and I are making a lifelong commitment. But I don’t want to give up on us. We deserve better.

The nerves that fluttered in my belly are flying upward, like butterflies released from a cage. I inhale, then tighten my hold on his hands. “Yes.”

A blinding smile splits David’s face, then he’s cradling my cheeks and kissing me like I’ve just handed him the keys to the universe.

I vaguely hear his family clapping and laughing and cheering us on. And I know that I’ve found what I’ve been looking for all my life.

* * *

We have dinner. The food has gotten a little cold, but everyone shows a hearty appetite. Warm conversation and laughter flow as readily as the beer and wine.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance