Page 27 of Mister Fake Fiance

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His head dips. And his lips graze mine as softly as a butterfly brushing over a flower. A hot knot twists in my belly, and I inhale sharply, my whole body going stiff. How can a barely there touch feel so…vivid and searing? And why does my entire face feel warm and tingly when all he’s coming into contact with is my mouth?

I stand absolutely unmoving, wondering how long we should hold this position, who should pull back first and if it’s going to be awkward if I do and whether we’re still playing our respective roles. And what am I supposed to do when the kiss feels so real and he feels so good? Would it be okay to lick him like I want to? But then it’d be really awkward on Monday, wouldn’t it? It’s impossible to think when my senses are spinning out of control.

David goes still, then pulls back.

Oh God. This is my chance to regroup, because my head is too jumbled to think straight. But at least I don’t have to worry that I made it weird by ending it first. “I should, um…”

Closing his eyes, he lets out a small, shuddery breath. “Yeah. Okay.” He pauses, and the moment seems to stretch into forever. “See you on Monday, Erin.”

Chapter Nine


Erin and I are standing outside her apartment door. She looks gorgeous in the red dress. I make a note to buy one like it and have her wear it to work. But wait, that won’t do. Don’t want all the assholes in the office seeing her like this.

She’s looking up at me, her blue eyes wide and bright. Soft and sweet, she seems to beckon me closer with that singular gaze.

“David,” she whispers.

Damn. She could be calling from the fiery depths of hell and I wouldn’t be able to resist the summons. I tilt my head and swoop down. She lifts her chin, her neck stretching beautifully. Our mouths fit perfectly, as though the entire history of the universe has been leading to this one moment. Her lips are softer than I imagined, and she tastes like sugar and dreams.

Blood roars in my head, drowning out all sounds. She fumbles with the lock behind her, and the door opens like magic, welcoming us.

Our mouths still fused together, we spill into her apartment. Kicking the door closed with my heel, I spin us around, pin her against the wall. She’s so hot. My skin is tight, and I’m burning from the inside out with desire.

Somewhere, her phone is ringing.

Wait… That’s not right, because the sound is coming from behind me.

“Oh no, I left the oven timer on,” she says.

“What are you making?” I ask, not that interested in her cooking. But it seems like the polite thing to do.

“I was baking a pie.” She smiles. “So we could have it after… You know…”

The alarm is still going. Before I can tell her to forget the pie, she slips out of my arms like a wisp of smoke.

But she doesn’t seem to know how to operate her oven, because the alarm is growing louder and more annoying. Should I help?

The beeping sound is piercing my skull like an ice pick…


My eyes snap open. The alarm clock next to my bed is screeching, obviously furious that I’m not giving it the proper attention. So I smack it into silence.

Shit. It was a damn dream. Knowing that doesn’t help, though. My dick is pushing the sheet upward, forming a distinctly convex shape over my crotch.

God damn it. I can’t believe I had a porno dream starring my assistant. If that isn’t bad enough, my cock’s refusing to deflate. Erin didn’t even really seem to be into the kiss last night. She held herself so stiff, like her entire body had turned into oak. And I shouldn’t have been carried away by…who the hell knows what…and tried to taste her.

It’s just that she smelled so damn good, and I loved her new sexy side in that dress, and when she looked at me with those wide eyes in the hall, I lost my head. I can’t even blame alcohol, because I didn’t drink that much. It was all on me. One hundred percent.

Come on, dammit. This erection needs to go away. I need all my blood in my skull to figure out what I’m going to say to her tomorrow. I still can’t believe I left her, saying, “See you on Monday.” I’m sure she’ll be expecting an explanation. She certainly deserves one.

Sighing, I turn and see the giant portrait of pregnant Jan and Matt staring down at me. My libido dies instantly.

Groaning with relief and annoyance, I reach for my phone to check my email. Maybe there will be a miraculous message from Erin, saying we should try that kiss again. I blink a couple of times at the number of texts, but none of them are from her.

–Matt: So who’s the woman?

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance