Page 35 of Mister Fake Fiance

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I lift my chin. The ceiling is interesting. Hey, is that a hairline crack? I can see a very thin, wiggly line. It looks like a worm if I tilt my head slightly to my right…


nbsp; David slows, and I almost bump into him. “Want to grab some coffee?” he says, gesturing at the break room.

Does he need some? Then I remember he probably needs a drink for the cake I brought him. He said he’d get juice, but that might be too sweet to go with chocolate cake. “Sure.”

We head into the brightly lit room together. Sweet Darlings always stocks it with every fancy coffee and tea imaginable because that’s how the founder and CEO, Alexandra Darling, likes it. She believes in treating her workers like gold, and I’m lucky to work here.

A couple of brunettes from HR are by the fridge, gossiping. Their backs are to us, and from the way they keep talking, I don’t think they noticed we walked in.

“Who would you rather have win? David or Warren Fordham?”

What the hell? Why are they discussing Warren? From the titillated way she said David, I’m almost certain my boss is their topic. But what “win” could this be about?

“Oh, definitely David. So much hotter.”

David goes absolutely still. I do too, and steal a glance at him. He’s wearing an unreadable expression, the kind he gets when he’s negotiating with other teams for more time or resources.

He puts a hand out, then places a finger over his lips to signal me to stay quiet. My loyalty is to him, but I hope they don’t say more than they can handle.

The same woman continues, “And I’m not sure about that Fordham guy.”

Smart of her.

“Why not? He’s cute.”

“Yeah, but date a politician? Everything you ever do is going to be scrutinized and talked about forever and ever. Or at least until he’s too old to run for election anymore. Super stifling.”

Stifling is putting it kindly. A shudder runs through me. You have to play the right role depending on the voter sentiment and the media’s whims. Scripts are never provided, but if you say the wrong line, everyone will know and roast you.

“But some are saying he’s hot enough to win the presidency, and he’s still single. Imagine. You could be the first lady!”

She laughs. “Let’s not get carried away. He just got elected to Congress.”

“Yeah, but he seems really charismatic.”

“Doesn’t matter. He isn’t into brunettes. Just look at the way he’s trying to take that blonde.”


“That was very alpha of him to not give up the woman he wants. It’s helping him trend.”

“Trend?” I squeak, unable to stop myself. I’ve heard enough of this, and I’m getting a bad feeling about this blonde they’re discussing now.

They turn around and freeze when they notice David standing next to me.

“Oh. Hi, David.”

“Hello, ladies. What were you talking about? Do share the gossip,” he says with a bit too much warmth.

One of them coughs. I recognize her. Mandy from HR. She took my paperwork when I relocated, and we spent maybe five minutes together. The other one I’ve never met.

“Just some news thing we saw.” Mandy lets out a tittering laugh.

“My friend Warren Fordham is trending?” David asks.

Mandy’s friend’s shoulders relax, but she doesn’t know him very well if she thinks that’s a friendly voice. I’ve heard him deliver cutting rebukes to marketing team members in that same tone for trashy campaigns that didn’t fit the company’s image.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance