Page 62 of Mister Fake Fiance

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“But isn’t Korea…small? So the market is small?”

He nods, then swallows his food. “Yeah, but Korean users are super active on social media. They love to share photos and videos with each other, so they’re very profitable. We want to be number one in the market.”

Hmm. My research only dug up basic facts like the size of the market, but not this level of detail. “I need to be more careful when I analyze our international markets. I missed that.”

“No big deal. You aren’t an analyst, and this is new to you. You’ll get better at it.” David smiles. “By the way, here are your keys.” He pulls out the keys to my apartment. “The people moved everything into your closet here. They said they left the boxes upstairs.”

“Thanks. I should organize everything before going to bed.”

“Need any help?” he asks.

“I don’t think so. I don’t have that much stuff.” It shouldn’t take more than half an hour. And I don’t need him seeing all my things. Not that there’s anything embarrassing, but it just seems too…revealing. He’s going to wonder why my wardrobe is so meager, and I don’t need that kind of speculation.

I help David clean up, then go upstairs. But I don’t see anything in the room or the closet. How weird. If it had been anyone but David who took care of it, I might suspect a screw-up, but David doesn’t hire idiots. I go back downstairs.

“I don’t see my things,” I say.

He frowns. “They said they did it, and they’re pretty reliable.” He gets up, goes into my room with me and looks around. “You’re right. What the heck?”

A possibility occurs to me. “You think they put my stuff in your room?”

“Might have. Let’s go check.”

We go to his room together. Sure enough, three huge boxes are stacked in front of his walk-in closet.

He sighs. “Guess they got confused.”

“At least they aren’t lost or misplaced. Like that time the airline lost my carry-on,” I say lightly.

He snorts a laugh. “That was ridiculous. I mean, how the hell does a carry-on bag disappear?”

“Sure was. You know I finally got it back?”

“Did you?” His eyebrows rise. “I thought it was gone.”

I shake my head. “Took them four days to locate the bag, no explanation as to how it happened.” And they didn’t care that I was on a business trip with my boss. “I’m sure it’s some kind of legend at the airline now.”

I reach for one of the boxes, but David stops me. “Let me carry those. They’re big and probably packed full.” He shakes his head. “They didn’t have to do it this way.”

Actually, they probably didn’t pack the boxes full. But I say nothing as David picks one up.

He frowns. “Either this is lighter than I thought or all those hours in gym are making me stronger.”

I laugh as he flexes his arm, showing off his biceps in a parody of a bodybuilding routine. “Maybe it’s both.”

David places the first one in the closet in my room, so I start unpacking while he goes back to get the other two. He brings them in, then places his hands on his hips.

“So…this is it?” he asks, staring doubtfully at the clothes I’m hanging.

“I told you, it isn’t that much.”

“But… I mean, did they forget something?”

“Doesn’t look like it. I only need a few skirts and tops I can mix and match. Plus a few pairs of shoes.”

“Well, yeah, but shouldn’t they have packed your other stuff? Weekend clothes or pajamas or something? This doesn’t compute.”

Maybe I should’ve expected him to be weird about it. My closet isn’t exactly overflowing. More on the lean side. “I do have casual outfits and pajamas. In fact, I have two sets of each.” Because that’s all I need. “It totally does comput

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance