Page 105 of Mister Fake Fiance

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“But there’s one condition,” she adds.

Here it comes. Gerry’s fired. Yes, he is.

“I’d like Erin Clare to be our point of contact and main liaison.”

Huh? “I’m sorry?”

The brown eyes swing my way. “Was I unclear?”

“No, but… Me?” I point at myself, then glance at David.

He nods. “That’s fine with us.”

How can he say that? It’s all I can do not to squeak that out as panic winds me up. Doesn’t he know it’s not my responsibility? I’ve never done anything like this. Ever! Shouldn’t I have a test run before I take on a project this big and important? He said this partnership would help us become the number one photo app in Korea! Where users are highly profitable!

Yuna shoots me an amused smile. “You look positively horrified, Erin.”

Oh my God. Am I that obvious? Embarrassment heats my face. “I mean…” I clear my throat. “I just don’t know

why you picked me. I’m not the one who spoke at the presentation when you were here.”

She blinks once. “You don’t remember?”

“Remember what?” I wish she’d just say it, since it’s obvious I don’t.

“You did speak up, when I decided to leave without listening to the presentation. You’re loyal, you speak your mind and you have great taste. Love that necklace, by the way.”

“Oh.” My hand flies to the small gold pendant I got on the shopping spree with Josephine. I thought it was pretty, but normally wouldn’t have dared to buy it. She said David was paying so I should definitely take it.

“Anyway, I need somebody I can trust to be honest and not afraid to try to change my mind when necessary. So. That’s my condition. What do you say, Erin? I don’t want to force it on you.”

Oh geez. She doesn’t want to force it on me, except she has by stating the condition the way she did.

I swallow the anxiety rising in my throat, so I can speak without squeaking like a TV chipmunk. “Sure. I can do that.”

“Excellent.” She beams. “I gotta get going. I have dinner plans with my favorite honorary nephew and niece. Our lawyers should be in touch with yours within twenty-four hours. Have a great evening.”

She stands and leaves, taking her entourage with her.

I stare at the closed door for a moment. “She’s like a whirlwind. In and out, saying what she wants to say. And with such flair that you can’t help but notice her.”

David looks at me with a warm smile. “Looks like you had a role in getting her not only to change her mind but to partner with us.”

I place my hands on my cheeks, excitement and nervousness twining. “I know, I can’t believe it. And me as the main liaison? Wow. I never thought I’d take on something this important.” Dad told me I’d become homeless and starve on the streets if I moved away from Saintsville, and it was a big deal that I proved him wrong by getting a job at Sweet Darlings, Inc. And now, I’m actually advancing in my career!

“You deserve it. Being a liaison will be a great opportunity for you.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Thank you,” I say, thrilled he’s so happy for me.

“We should celebrate.” He puts an arm around my shoulders. “What are you in the mood for?”

I don’t even have to think. “I want to bake cookies!” Then I pause, wondering if I should’ve asked him what he wants to do. He might prefer to do something else. Like going out or something. Baking is my private way of being happy and productive, but it probably isn’t his. “But, I mean, we don’t have to. We could do something else. What are you in the mood for?”

He presses a warm kiss on my forehead. “This is your celebration, Erin. Let’s go bake cookies if that’s what you want.”

Of all the things he could’ve done, this touches me so deeply. I can’t remember a time when people close to me deferred to my decision. I’m weird and am going to become like my mom anyway, so my dad, Katrina and Warren almost always overrode me, saying it was for my own good.

You’re falling for him.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance