Page 117 of Mister Fake Fiance

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David puts an arm around my shoulders. “Why wouldn’t she be here? She’s my fiancée.”

Shelly’s face twists, her cheeks blotchy. “Oh, come on, David! You would’ve never asked her to marry you if you’d known she was crazy. The people in her hometown call her Crazy Clare!”

Chapter Forty-Five


“Shut up, Shelly,” I say tightly.

My family’s gazes bore into me for a moment, then switch to Erin and Shelly. Erin might as well be made of marble under my arm. Her chin up, she faces Shelly with an unreadable expression. But I can sense a tremor running through her. Hatred for Shelly begins to boil.

Despite my desire to change the engagement to something more permanent, I know Erin still feels uncertain about it. I thought showing her how my family would accept and love her would allay her reservations. But with Shelly’s appearance, all of Erin’s previous relaxation has vanished.

“It’s true! Her mom went insane. I checked,” Shelly says, pointing at Erin. “Do you think I’d let somebody like her trap you into marriage? What if you have children?” She turns to my mother. “A lot of things are genetic. Your grandchildren could be born crazy or worse!”

My whole body goes cold. Erin slips from under my arm. I turn to pull her back, but she’s moving toward the kitchen with her empty wine glass. She probably needs a drink. Fuck. This is my fault. I should have just told everyone the real reason Shelly and I broke up at the time it happened.

Mom’s face is stony. I’ve only seen her like this once—when I wrapped my car around a tree, texting and driving when I was an idiot teenager. I never, ever glanced at my phone while driving again, ever.

Apparently, her reaction is emboldening Shelly. “David only thinks he wants her because she’s been hiding this and manipulating him. You remember how long we were together, don’t you?” She turns to me. “I know you better than anyone, David.”

She does and she doesn’t. She knows what I like, which is why she’s in a dress I would find gorgeous on her if this were two years ago. But she doesn’t know me at all if she thinks she can cheat on me and everything will go back to the way it used to be. And especially not when it’s because she needs my money.

I remember Derek’s words. He said keeping secrets would come back and bite me in the ass, even if I’m doing it to protect Mom. I should’ve listened. Then Shelly would’ve never dared to

cross the threshold of my parents’ home.

“No, you don’t. And I already know,” I shoot back at Shelly, facing her fully. It’s time I rectify my mistake and throw her out of my life permanently.

The superior mask slips. “You know what?”

“Everything. For one, I know about Erin’s mother, and I don’t care,” I say, to make sure she never brings that up again to hurt Erin. “And two, you’ve got some nerve coming here. Do you think it’s going to change anything?” I let my gaze roam over my family, blaming myself for the disapproval and confusion settling over them. Today should’ve been a joyous occasion, not this mess. “Yes, I broke up with Shelly because she relocated to Seattle. I was upset about that, but I also realized I never really loved her. I liked her and was comfortable with her, but that wasn’t deep or strong enough for me to make the move with her. I know some of you are wondering if she and I could just remain friends, but that’s impossible. She slept with her boss to land that job. Obviously, I can’t be with somebody who betrayed me that way, even if there wasn’t romantic love between us.” I hold Shelly’s eyes. “Once a backstabber, always a backstabber. No reason it wouldn’t happen again.”

Shelly turns pale, her throat working as she swallows, then she licks her lips as she looks at everyone gathered. I let out a breath, feeling like a huge burden’s been lifted. Now the truth is out. It’s up to the family to pass judgment.

“Thank God, you finally said it!” Derek says.

Mom’s eyes flash. “You knew and didn’t tell me, Derek Darling?”

Derek looks away. “David wanted me to keep my mouth shut.”

“Why?” Mom whirls around to face me.

I clear my throat, wishing it isn’t angry disappointment I’m seeing in her eyes. “I didn’t want to affect your relationship with Mrs. Morris. You two are best friends.”

She puts her hands on her hips. “No best friend trumps my family, David Francis Darling!”

“Yes, ma’am,” I say meekly.

Dad always liked Shelly, but he’s looking at her with new eyes. “Well, well, well.”

“My goodness. I suppose it’s best you leave, then,” Grandma says coolly, turning to Shelly.

“And you’d better not show your face here ever again!” Mom’s voice seethes.

Shelly’s gaze darts around. She shoots an appealing look to Cora. They used to hang out all the time when we were dating.

But Cora merely cocks an eyebrow. “You heard them.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance