Page 99 of Mister Fake Fiance

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Seems like this is his way of being conversational when he isn’t entirely interested. I’m glad he’s short. Makes it easier to not overshare.

“I bet it was nice growing up there,” Sophia says with a sigh. “I have this thing for a small-town life. I wish I could experience it.”

“We can always stay there for a bit if you want,” Dane says, this time with more interest.

Panic wells, making my mouth uncomfortably dry. I don’t want them anywhere near Saintsville. “Small-town life is dreadfully dull,” I say hurriedly. “Everyone knows everyone.”

“That sounds so friendly,” Sophia says.

“No. They know everyone because they’re that bored. Besides, they aren’t really welcoming to newcomers.” I search for something that will dissuade her. “And they love giving unsolicited advice about everything from your marriage to”—my gaze falls on Isabella—“childrearing.”

Dane’s mouth twists like he just bit into sand. Ah ha. I knew he wouldn’t like that.

Sophia glances at Dane. “Hmm… Then that probably wouldn’t work.”

I nod. “Yeah, in a small town everyone is into everyone else’s business all the time. That’s why I left.” I sense David’s gaze boring into me and turn to him. He’s watching me with the oddest expression ever. It’s the same one he wore at Éternité when we were talking about my favorite flower. Did I say something to upset him?

“So. How did you know David was the one, Erin?” Dane says, refilling his wife’s sangria.

Oh shit. This is one thing David and I didn’t discuss, but I should’ve known Dane and Sophia would be curious.

He gives David a meaningful look. “He’s… I’m curious what it is about this reprobate that attracted you.”

Sophia elbows her husband.

“I’m just curious,” he says.

Hmm. Apparently he knows all about David’s womanizing. He’s gone through a lot of women—I know because there’s no way to miss his busy social calendar, especially when I was in charge of the calendar. And contrary to what Dane might presume, I don’t hold it against David. It was before we decided to do the fake engagement, and it’d be unreasonable to think he’d be celibate. “When he proposed, my heart said yes before my brain even engaged. I mean, he’s a fantastic b—man.” Man, not boss. That wouldn’t have sounded terribly romantic. I shoot a sidelong glance in David’s direction, but he’s smiling encouragingly.

Dane’s gaze grows thoughtful, while Isabella says, “I like David too. He’s cool.”

Thank you, Isabella! Maybe your daddy will agree and stop asking questions.

“Thanks, princess,” David says with a grin.

“It’s very similar to how I fell in love with Dane,” Sophia says.

“I was much more romantic,” her husband says. “I even hired André.”

“Threatened a lawsuit, too,” she teases.

“He was going to sue you if you didn’t fall in love with him?” I ask, stunned. I can actually see this frigid man doing that, but why would it make her fall for him?

David starts laughing.

“My lawyer said that wasn’t actionable, but I have my ways,” Dane says, in a tone that doesn’t invite further probing. “How about you?” He turns to David. “Out of all the women you’ve been seeing in the last few years, how did you know?”

That puts a stop to David’s hilarity. He grows more serious as he considers.

I hold still, anxious and curious about what he’s going to say. Why didn’t we think to talk about this yesterday? But if he’d brought it up, I would’ve been really uncomfortable…

“It’s… I wasn’t really struck by a lightning bolt of love, if that’s what you’re wondering,” David says finally.

He takes my hand. My palm grows hot. He gazes deep into my eyes, kissing the knuckles.

My pulse starts to gallop.

“If I had to make an analogy, imagine my heart as an…empty cup. And drop by drop, my feelings for her started to fill it until it overflowed with love for her. Then I realized she’s the one I want to make smile with happiness every day for the rest of my life.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance