Page 45 of Mister Fake Fiance

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David’s one of the most creative people at Sweet Darlings, Inc. He wouldn’t have risen so fast in marketing otherwise. His grandmother might be in charge of the company, but she doesn’t tolerate incompetence or play favorites. Her reputation for fairness is stellar.

But he’s also one of the sanest people. That’s why he knows exactly how to walk the fine line between creative and mainstream. None of his ads or campaigns have ever hit a wrong note with the public.

Right now, he’s probably silent because he’s stunned at my audacity. A fake engagement is pretty extreme. Crazy, even.

Shit. Does he think I’m losing my mind? Impulsive and erratic behavior is a sign, in my experience. Mom was so weird back then, just bursting into tears or ranting incoherently.

“Actually, forget what I said. I was just thinking out loud. It’s not like you owe me anything because I went to your auction on Saturday.” Wait. That sounds like I am expecting him to pay me back. So I add, “I’m your assistant. It’s my job to make your life easier.”

“Yeah, but I pulled you into this, so…” He hesitates for a second. “I feel like you should know exactly what you’re getting into just by proposing it.” He clears his throat. “It’s embarrassing and personal, but… I’ll just lay it out and hope you’ll be discreet. Not even my mother knows the whole story.”

Okay, this is a shock. David is trusting me with his most private life, which means our relationship is shifting from professional to…something more. I swallow a sudden lump in my throat, touched that he thinks I’m worthy of such high esteem.

“Shelly and I have known each other a long time. Our moms are close friends. Really close. And later we started dating.”

I knew some of this already. Shelly told me about their dating history when she ranted about first come, first served.

David continues in a flat tone, “We dated for five years. Then she decided to take a job in Seattle without saying a word about it to me. When I told her I couldn’t just quit my work at Sweet Darlings and move to the other end of the country, she got angry. Accused me of holding her back and left. In retrospect, I think she thought I’d panic and follow her if she gave me an ultimatum.”

I wince. That had to have been a terrible idea. David is nice, but he definitely isn’t a pushover—there’s a difference. Nobody can make him to do anything, especially with something as absurd as an ultimatum. I’m surprised she didn’t know that after so many years.

“But now she’s back,” I say.

He shrugs. “There can’t be anything between me and Shelly.”

“She wants you again, though. For real.” He might change his mind if he understood she’s genuine about having another chance with him. It’s very likely he has some feelings for her after having dated her for half a decade.

“Yeah?” His lips twist into a sardonic line. “Well, she shouldn’t have slept her way into the job if she ever thought she might want us to be together again. I can forgive a lot of things, but cheating isn’t one of them.”

I gasp, outrage exploding like a bomb. How dare she! And she had the gall to claim David was hers?

“She quit her job and moved to L.A. My mom would like to see us get back together, but that’s not going to happen.”

“Doesn’t your mother care that she’s a two-timing bitch?” Otherwise, I’m going to be very disappointed in Mrs. Darling.

He laughs humorlessly. “Like I said, she doesn’t know everything.”

Oh, that’s right. “Why don’t you want to tell her?”

“Because.” He sighs. “It’s going to affect her relationship with Mrs. Morris. Shelly’s mom. When my family first moved to Virginia, Mom had trouble making friends. Mrs. Morris was the one who made the first overture, and…they’ve been close ever since. I don’t want what happened between me and Shelly to influence Mom’s relationship with Mrs. Morris. She shouldn’t have to lose a friend because of it.”

Warm admiration slowly unfurls in my heart. It’s so sweet and considerate of him to put his mother’s needs ahead of his own. But then, his mom is also the type to do the same for him, so…

My chest aches as I think of my own mother. She would’ve been like David’s. She always told me she was on Team Erin. She stood up to Dad countless times when she thought he was being unfair.

“So if we do this, Shelly’s probably going to give up,” I say. It’s one thing to throw an “I want you back” tantrum to a guy with a girlfriend, but another to do it to a guy with a fiancée.

“Yes. And Fordham will too.” David narrows his eyes.

Why am I getting the feeling that that’s more important than repelling Shelly?

He continues, “Even if he didn’t re

veal your identity, there’s nothing that says he isn’t hoping to use the situation to his advantage.”

“That’s true. But how long should we keep up the pretense?”

“Three months?” David shrugs. “Maybe a little longer? Until all this blows over, and Shelly and Fordham both give up.”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance