Page 85 of Mister Fake Fiance

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I sit fidgeting in the lobby, waiting for the person David hired to help me shop. I wish he hadn’t done this, because it’s too much for a fake engagement. At the same time, I’m slightly relieved to get some time away from David.

The kiss is all I’ve thought about since Saturday. And the more I think, the more confused I become. I don’t even know why he kissed me! I wasn’t doing anything to signal that I wanted it, was I?

I mean…the cobbler was hot and gooey and just perfect, but surely it wasn’t gratitude that got him to lean over and lick my lips…

At the same time, I can’t deny that I enjoyed it. His mouth was so heated and firm…but also gentle. I couldn’t think, my mind going blank of everything except the texture and feel of him. I was so into it that I started using my tongue, then thought my body would combust when he stroked me back with his. My nerve endings are still tingling from the memory, the air in my lungs thick.

David’s kiss is nothing like the aggressive slovenly mess from high school boys or the practiced lukewarmness from Warren. I wonder if I was okay. David was hard, so maybe he liked it.

If I hadn’t pulled back…

My cheeks heat. I don’t know how far we would’ve gone. The prickle between my legs says it would’ve been very, very far.

Stop thinking about that unless you want to meet this Josephine with wet panties.

But is she going to notice? It isn’t like she’s going to actually be dressing me. I can do that on my own, thank you very much.

An impeccably dressed brunette walks in and pauses in front of an elevator. Her stilettoed stride is sure and confident. She’s in a yellow dress with blue and green accents. I love her makeup, so subtle and chic. It emphasizes the bright red of her lips.

A visitor’s pass flashes at her waist.

I raise a hand. “Um… Josephine Martinez?” I say, hoping I’m right so we can get started. I only have an hour for lunch. Although David said I could take some extra time, I’d prefer not to. Don’t want to look like I’m abusing his good will.

She turns around and looks at me, dead on. “Yes?”

“Oh, good. I’m Erin.” Maybe she’s not going to know which Erin. “Erin Clare?”

“Hi. Nice to finally meet you.” She pumps my hand, her grip firm and dry. “You didn’t have to come down here to meet me. I could’ve gone up.”

I clear my throat quietly. “I thought this would be easier.”

“Whatever you’re comfortable with.” She gives me a quick smile, but her eyes are scanning me from head to toe, then back up, missing nothing.

She even tilts her head to check out my cubic zirconia earrings. I flush, trying not to squirm and failing. I feel like a newly discovered animal being displayed in a zoo. Actually worse. An animal might like the attention. I don’t.

“Do I look okay?” I ask finally, wondering if she’s disappointed. I have no clue what David told her when she hired her. Maybe he said I needed to look like I’m not about to go to work. Or look like I’m at a job interview when I meet his mom.

Josephine smiles, but I’m not really reassured. Maybe she’s smiling to reassure herself. “There’s nothing wrong with the way you look. The only question is, are you happy with it?”

“Uh…” Is this a trick question before she starts judging? I know I’m not the most fashionable person. I don’t want to stand out, and I don’t see the point of spending a lot of money on clothes when I could be donating it to worthy causes that would make a difference in the world. I look down at myself for a moment, then back at her. “I guess?”

She taps her chin twice with a perfectly manicured finger. “Let’s walk to my car. We have a lot of ground to cover.”

Oh my God. That sounds…ominous. “Okay.” I give myself a mental pat on the back for keeping my voice steady and not letting my legs shake.

I can just imagine the embarrassment if I trip and fall in my Mary Janes, while Josephine walks runway-model-perfect in those screwdriver-thin heels.

She drops the visitor’s pass off in the security bin, then leads me to the garage and into her Lexus.

As she starts driving, I run my fingers along my purse straps. I should probably set the right expectations. One of the training videos I watched said setting expectations is more than half the battle in all boss-employee relationships. Not that I’m her boss or anything, but she is here to work for me. Or…is she the one in charge and I’m the peon who has to do what she says?

Ugh. This is confusing. “I’ve never hired somebody like you, ever. I didn’t even know people like you existed

.” Especially in real life.

“It’s okay.” Another smile. “So. What do you wear when you go out with friends?”

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance