Page 12 of Mister Fake Fiance

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“Because I need a dress.”

“Shop at a drag queen store if you need one. Hers won’t fit you. Besides, they’re too good for you even if you were her size.”

“Fuck you.” The worst comeback in the universe, but I’m pressed for time and can’t come up with anything better. “It’s not for me. A woman I know. A woman her size.” I sigh. “Will you just put her on the phone?”

There is a pause, during which Dane somehow manages to convey a perfect blend of impatience and annoyance. “You’re on speaker.”

“Hi, Sophia, this is David.”

“Hi, David. So what’s going on?” she asks, her voice warm and friendly. Not Dane friendly, but normal-human-being friendly.

“I need your help. My assistant needs to borrow a dress. It’s for the charity auction I’m at right now.” You know, the one your husband isn’t going to bother to attend because he’s an antisocial asshole.

“Your assistant? You didn’t take Charlotte?”

“Charlotte, unfortunately, had other plans. Got snatched away, so to speak. And I really need someone to pose as my girlfriend.”

“Wow, I smell a story.”

“Yeah, um… I’m kind of pressed for time here,” I say.

“All right, but I want to hear all about it when you get a chance.”

Dane grumbles something under his breath. Probably “Your time is better spent with me” or something similarly whiny. He thinks nobody should bother—or even be near—his wife. Jealous, possessive asshole. I almost can’t imagine what Sophia sees in him.

“I’ll text the address to Dane,” I say. “You are an angel. He doesn’t deserve you.”

“Shut it. I earned her,” Dane says.

I don’t argue with that because he did. And to be honest, the man is so solicitous with his wife that it’s sickening.

He adds, “And you need to start dressing your own woman if you’re going to insult me.”

“Sophia’s the one who’s helping me dress my woman, so I’ll insult you whenever I feel like,” I say, since our friendship wouldn’t be complete otherwise.

Dane mutters something that sounds like “fuck you,” and Sophia giggles.

“You’re the best, Sophia,” I say. “Thanks. I gotta go. I need to make some other arrangements.”

“Are you going to be able to send a limo?” Sophia asks.

“Oh, shit.” Do I have the time to arrange for one? Do I even know any limo companies in the area? It’s the sort of detail Erin would take care of, but she’s busy getting ready. “No.” Erin shouldn’t drive her Corolla to the event. In case Shelly decides to stalk her or something.

Actually, there’s no “in case” about it. She will be stalking.

“I’ll take care of it,” Sophia says.

My shoulders sag with relief. “Thank you. I really owe you one.”

I hang up, then rush out of the bathroom to find Elizabeth and make sure security doesn’t turn Erin away by mistake.

Chapter Five


I stare at my phone after David hangs up, unsure as to what he meant by “get ready” or what he needs me for. I told him I didn’t have anything to wear, and I don’t know

how he’s going to fix that. It’s not like he can go out and buy me a dress. And he needs to be at the auction. There will be photographers and journalists covering the event. He probably needs to be seen and mingle with all the important people in L.A. Networking is part of his job, but he doesn’t need me hovering over him for that. Actually, he might do better without me there.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance