
Cyborg is a dirty word.
The world wants to forget them. Not me.
I have been dying to meet one since I learned of their existence.
Okay, I have been dying to meet a certain one.
Dax. The Science Model. The most brilliant cyborg ever created.
So what’s a girl to do?
Sneak into the cyborg rebellion headquarters that’s what.
So that’s what I did. And in my defense I didn’t plan on stealing Dax.
But now that I have him how can I ever let him go?

I am the original cyborg.
The only Science Model in existence.
My processors are brilliant. A true work of art.
Still not one female wants me.
Time after time I get passed over.
Then a female sneaks into the woods and with one look I know Poe is mine.
In that moment I have to make a choice. The cyborg rebellion or her.
And I choose her.
Now all I have to do is get her to choose me in return.
How hard can it be?