Page 47 of Fighting for King

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“Zo-zo!” King shouted, holding his hands out to his daughter.

Zoe squealed, “Dada!” and dove into his arms.

They hugged like they hadn’t seen each other in months. King rocked them slightly back and forth. “You hungry, Zo-Zo? Want some mac and cheese?”

And then they were busy in the tiny kitchenette, fixing Zoe’s lunch like it was any other day.

Like King hadn’t been agonizing over what had happened like I had been.


I silently set the diaper bag on the floor and quietly backed away toward the door. Of course, there was no way to unobtrusively open the door. The shaft of light and sudden noise had King whipping his head around.

I gestured lamely. “I was just going to go raid craft services. Did you want anything?”

“No, thanks. I, uh, I know we’re supposed to talk about a few things, but maybe that can wait until tonight?” He tipped his head toward Zoe. “When we’re alone?”

“Yup. Totally fine. We’ll talk tonight.” I was sure I sounded manic as I darted out the door, letting it crash closed behind me.

“What’s wrong?”

I jumped at Mak’s voice. In all my embarrassment, I’d forgotten about him.

“Oh, nothing. I was just going to get something to eat,” I answered brightly. “Ready?”

Mak eyed me, shrugged, and fell into step beside me.

I sighed in relief, so glad he hadn’t questioned me. I still didn’t know how I felt about the whole situation. How exactly did you propose a fuck buddy situation?I like you, but I don’t want to date you. Can we just screw instead?

Ugh. I had to come up with something better.

At least I had time on my side. I should be able to figure out what to say by the time King got home tonight.

Famous last words.

That night, long after I put Zoe down, I sat in the living room mentally preparing my little speech.

“King, I know you gave me three options, but I’ve come up with a fourth. What if we just enjoy fucking each other without all the annoying shit that comes with relationships—no expectations, no obligations—just pure carnal fun?”

That was my best attempt so far.

It needed work.

Then I heard the front door open followed by beeps as King tapped on the security panel.

Time was up.

Immediately all those jitters from before came roaring back. I sat up on the couch and my foot started bouncing on its own. Ihad to lean forward and brace my elbows on my thighs to get it to stop. Then nausea swept over me. I was going to be sick.

I couldn’t do this.

I hadn’t evolved.

I was boring, responsible Briar St. Clair.

Was I seriously going to proposition my boss? The uber sexy KingstonfreakingGrier?

Oh god.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance