Page 46 of Fighting for King

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He had.

And unlike my bestie, he wouldn’t have a professional conflict of interest about the situation. I didn’t have to ask Lyla to know what she would’ve thought I should do. But Mak might be the perfect sounding board. We’d kinda gotten to know each other—at least I felt comfortable with him—and it would be great to get a guys’ perspective on the situation. Plus he didn’t have an obvious stance. He wasn’t Team King or Team Briar.

I took a quick look around and no one was nearby. What the hell.

“We kinda had a moment last night, but I don’t think I can commit to anything serious. He gave me some time to think about it, but I’m just not ready. I can’t date him. He’s my boss, and I need this job. And Zoe. I love this little peanut. I don’t wantto leave her. Is there a good way to let a guy down? Like, what should I say?”

“So let me get this straight—you like him, and he likes you?”

God, I felt like I was back in grade school. Closing my eyes in mortification, I nodded. “Yes.”

“Then what’s the problem? That you work for him? That he’s famous? That he has a kid?”

“Kinda all that—except for Zoe—she’s awesome.” I smiled down at the little girl in my arms, tucking her hair behind her ear. “But I just got divorced. I’m not ready for anything serious. And I definitely am not ready to goout, out with him.”

Mak crossed his arms over his chest. “Why are you making it so complicated?”

“Um, because it is complicated. This would be the definition of complicated.”

“It doesn’t have to be. Why don’t you guys do the friends with benefits thing? Keep your personal life and work life separate. No one will know what’s going on behind closed doors.”

He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

And holy crap, why hadn’t that occurred to me?

Oh my god.

Oh my god!

I was practically vibrating in excitement. Look at me evolving. This would be the last thing that boring, reliable, old Briar would’ve done. This was daring. Edgy. The perfect arrangement for my new badass persona.

I could do this.

Iwantedto do this.

Elation hummed through my whole body.

But wait. King would have to be okay with this scenario.

Okay, that was a ridiculous thought. What man would turn down no-strings sex?

This was the perfect solution! I mean, I’d never had a casual fuck buddy, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t start now. I could have my cake and slather it all over my face.

Cake. Cock. Heh.

“You are a genius.” I beamed up at Mak. “Thank you!”

Mak inclined his head. “We never had this conversation.”

I mimed zipping my lips closed while Zoe squealed and slapped my cheek.

“Someone’s getting antsy,” I murmured, letting her down while keeping an iron grip on her hand. “Let’s go see your daddy.”

I wanted to tell Mak thank you again, but since we’d never had this conversation, I couldn’t. Instead, I gave him a smile as I accepted the diaper bag from him. Then Zoe and I slowly climbed the metal steps to King’s trailer.

“Here we go,” I whispered as I opened his door.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance