Page 48 of Fighting for King

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I stood up to flee when he appeared around the corner.

“Briar.” He sighed. “I wasn’t sure you’d still be up. I had to go to a meeting after we were through filming, and I should’ve called or texted. Which reminds me, I know I gave you three options last night—”

“But I’ve come up with a fourth,” I blurted out, talking over whatever he was going to say next.

King reared his head back like that was the last thing he’d thought I’d say. “Oh. Okay. Let’s hear it. What’s option number four?”

I could do this. I was a divorcée. A grown woman who was ready to take control of her sex life. “I, uh, I mean Ma—” Was I really about to tell him about Mak’s involvement in our situation? Brain, where were you when I needed you?!

King blinked at me when I didn’t say anything more. “You okay?”

“Why is everyone asking me that today?” I muttered before I shook my head. “Sorry. It’s just this has been a lot. I’m not the kind of girl who sleeps with her boss, and the fact that you’re attracted to me threw me for a loop.”

“Man, he really did a number on you,” King muttered then shook his head. “So option four?”

“Option four. Right. What if we just slept together and didn’t do the whole relationship thing?”

“Huh.” King cocked his head and gave me one of those smoldering looks I’d seen so many times in his movies. “And you’d be okay with something casual?”

“Actually, I’d prefer it. I’m fresh off a divorce. I’m not ready for all the relationship stuff. If we can keep this—” I waved a hand between us “—casual, I think it could work.”

“Right. And just to clarify, what does casual mean to you? Can we sleep with other people? Should I have called you since I was running late tonight?” He raised an eyebrow. “I’ve had a few casual relationships before, and they never work out. Someone always catches feelings and wants more. And spoiler alert, so far it hasn’t been me.”

I snorted a soft laugh. “I can guarantee it won’t be me.” The thought of letting someone into my life like that again wasn’t even a little appealing. I hitched a shoulder as I thought over his questions. “I think it would be best if it was monogamous—makes it less complicated. We’d end it if either of us wanted to see or be with someone else. And no, I wouldn’t have expected a call or text tonight.”

King took a few steps toward me, his expression the definition of predatory. “I’m liking what I’m hearing so far. Go on.”

“I don’t know. I’ve never done this before. I mean, the casual thing, or the sleeping with my boss thing.” I couldn’t help it. I took a few steps back, skating along the couch. Retreating. “I think it would be best if we kept our work relationship completely separate from our sexual one. No kissing or touching when I’m on the clock, especially around Zoe. And no talking about Zoe or our schedule or whatever when we’re in bed.”

“Or in my shower. Or on the kitchen counter. Or in the pool out back.” King’s eyes sizzled as he took a few more steps toward me.

I shook my head, taking a few steps back. “No way. Nothing even remotely public. No touching me if there’s a chance someone could see us. I don’t want to get a reputation for sleeping with my boss. Even if he’s as devastatingly handsome as you.”

A smug grin curved his lips as he took a few more steps toward me. “Any more rules you want to add to the list?”

My breath hitched. I tried to form a coherent thought, but all I could think about was King. He wanted me. This gorgeous, talented, generous man wantedme.

“Briar?” King tilted his head. “Any more rules?”

“I-I-I reserve the right to add more at any time.” My heart raced at the predatory dance we were doing. He took a few steps toward me, and I retreated. His hungry eyes let me know exactly what he was thinking.

And I was thinking the same.

“Anything else?” He took two more steps toward me.

My back slammed against the wall. “Uh…”

King closed the distance between us and caged me between his body and the wall. I could feel the heat from his body, even though no part of him touched me. “Last chance,” he whispered.

I swallowed thickly. “The second you catch feelings or want to be with someone else, we’re done.”

“You’re not worried about catching feelings for me?” His eyebrow ticked.

I slowly shook my head. “Not in the slightest.”

“You might very well be the most perfect woman ever,” he whispered.

And then he kissed me.

Tags: Gillian Archer Romance