Page 70 of His Bella

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“I believe I should,” Joanna stated. “Jonathan and I are twins. I was a screw up, the black sheep of the family, and as such he eradicated me from his life. I was arrested on drug possession just before I found out I was pregnant with you. Jonathan agreed to take you in because you were family, but he didn’t want anyone to know that you weren’t his. It seemed like fate because Maria was pregnant again and our due dates were close. She went into labor a day before I did and after you were born, they took you in.”

“So, all of them, Isabella, Jordanna, and Dorianna are really my cousins? They’re not my sisters and Maria’snothingto do with me?” Bella asked feeling a sense of relief for her worries.

“Yes, Jonathan said he was going to take care of you. When I saw your story in December…I am so sorry Bella. If I’d known that was what you were going through, I would have come and got you when I was released. You were six and I wanted to, but I thought you had a wonderful life, so I left. I’ve been living in Australia ever since. When you started modeling, I was so proud.”

“Why did you come here now? That was six months ago,” she asked confused.

“I wanted to come instantly when I heard but I figured you didn’t need me. But when I saw the pictures of you a few days ago…there was something in your eyes that worried me, and I needed to know if you were okay. It was…”

“Something only a mother would know?” she stated as tears hit her.

“Bella, what’s wrong?” Vivien asked as they spilled over.

“I’ve been so worried that I’d turn out like Maria, only loving my child if they reminded me of me, the way she seemed to with the others,” she admitted reluctantly.

“Oh, Bella that would never happen with you, but it doesn’t matter love. You have nothing to do with Maria,” Vivien stated kissing her head.

She felt laughter make its way up and she couldn’t stop the shake of it in her shoulders. Tyler hugged her tightly kissing her temple as he whispered words of love to her.

“I’m okay,” she said catching her breath. “I’m…free of it…of all of it.”

“You are,” Steven agreed with a smile.

“Bella, I hope one day you can forgive me,” Joanna said coming over to her.

“What is there to forgive?” she asked truthfully. “You were trying to do what you thought was best. I get that; I may not have before but now, I would do anything to keep these two safe.”

“Two?” Joanna asked with a smile.

“Twins…a boy and a girl,” she told her.

“Bella, that’s wonderful. Perhaps one day you’ll let me meet them or you can come meet your brother and sister?”

“I have a brother and sister?” she asked amazed at the change an instant could make still.

“Yes, they’re not twins but they wouldn’t be here without you. You saved my life Bella. Finding out I was expecting you made me own up to my mistakes and make a new life, find a wonderful man who loves me, flaws and all, and have two more children I love, but there’s always been a special place for you.”

“I think I’d like to meet them. Do they know about me?” Bella asked her, worried they’d resent her appearance in their life just a bit.

“Ralph does; I’m sure your brother and sister do too they’ve just never said. We’re staying at the Royale. If you could…but there’s no rush,” Joanna said hesitantly.

“I’m not really up for going out right now. Tyler worries about every little twinge,” she teased kissing her husband. “I wouldn’t mind if you joined us for dinner though, nothing fancy.”

“We’d love to,” Joanna stated. “But don’t feel like you have to cook for us; why don’t we cook for you?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Vivien agreed. “Would you mind if we joined you also?”

“I wouldn’t be here without your agreeing to help me talk to Bella,” Joanna said with a warm smile.

“You’re always welcome here Mom,” Bella told Vivien. “Both of my moms are.”

That night was wonderful, and she soon found out that her seventeen-year-old sister was a budding model in disguise. She looked like her, but her hair was a dark brunette and she was a couple inches shorter, but Bella was thrilled when she asked her for her opinion about pursuing a career of it.

“I know a fabulous agent, a wonderful photographer and a model that can get you some jobs if your mom agrees.”

“Angela, you’ve barely finished high school, and you’ve never been out on your own,” Joanna said with worry.

“Please Mom.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance