Page 69 of His Bella

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“I had an ultrasound a little over a week ago so they could be sure of the due date but yeah, there are two of them in there.”

“Congratulations Bella,” Jessica said softly.

“Thank you,” she replied before they were interrupted. The party flew by, as did the holidays.

True to his words Tyler found them a secluded place to spend January and when they returned, she was glowing more than ever. She wasn’t showing yet, much to Tyler’s dismay and they decided to let the announcement wait. They quickly shot the new swimwear campaign during February and as March crept closer she began to get a slight bump which grew bigger during the month, and they began to shoot the maternity line.

On the last day of the shoot, she let Renee come by and her reaction was absolute perfection.

“Oh my god, you little sneak,” she teased hugging her and feeling the bump. “How far along are you?”

“Six months, give or take a week or so.”

“Wait, you knew back in December, didn’t you?”

“I did, but we wanted to wait to reveal it. Ty and I had just gotten ourselves to the perfect place and we wanted it to be just family for a bit.”

“Alright I’ll forgive you. I take it this means you’re ready for the announcement to come out?”

“Yes, because the maternity line will be hitting stores this summer, and the sneak peek into it is what you’re here for really.”

She and Tyler watched the show the next night and true to her word Renee told their news with a large smile.

Pitter patter of little feet must be contagious in Hollywood and by connection right here in our favorite city. What’s the stylish mom-to-be going to wear this summer? Only the best of course and that comes from the masterminds at Angels. Yes, ladies and gentlemen our favorite Angel is about to have one of her own.

When is the happy event to take place? Sooner than you might think, Arabella confirmed her expectancy as well as her anticipated due date of…July 8th, told you it was sooner than you’d think. Arabella and husband Tyler knew back in December but were keeping mum until the burgeoning bump could no longer be hidden. Congratulations Arabella, Tyler, we look forward to seeing your bouncing baby…now the only question that remains is…blue or pink?

That part she didn’t reveal but I’d say either way…that baby is going to gorgeous…

“They will be,” Tyler agreed.

“Is it horrible to say that I hope none of the other Remsen genes come through?” she asked as he held her.

“It won’t matter what they look like Bella as long as they have you, they’ll turn out amazingly.”

She hoped he was right. She already loved them both, but she didn’t want one of them to feel like the odd duck as she had growing up. It was something that stayed in the back of her mind as the weeks went by putting her closer to meeting them. The premiere for the movie was fabulous and Toby had made her a stunning dress that proved she still had her curves despite the one on her stomach.

She got them settled into the house they’d finally purchased and by the end of June she was more than ready to meet them.

She was at home one afternoon when the bell rang surprising her with visitors. Tyler was working from home, something both of them enjoyed as well as his assistant because it meant he wasn’t pacing the floor expecting her call, and he went to answer it.

When he returned, she saw the worry on his face as their parents came in behind him. Another person arrived behind them, and she gasped in surprise.

“What?” she asked as her mind whirled in confusion.

“Bella,” Vivien said gently coming over to her. “I’m sorry we should wait.”

“Wait for what?” Bella asked putting her hand over her stomach as her mind continued to whirl.

“It’ll keep Bella, this is too close to your due date,” Steven stated.

“Would you please explain to me what is going on? Who are you and what are you doing here?” Bella asked the woman.

“Bella, this is Joanna…your mother,” Vivien answered.

“Mother…no…how?” she asked completely confused but the other woman shared her resemblance and something about it made sense.

“I think you all should explain very carefully,” Tyler told them moving over to sit next to her.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance