Page 71 of His Bella

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“You’re more than welcome to use the apartment in town. We don’t use it and you could pop in and out to check on her,” Tyler offered seeing the happiness in Bella’s eyes at the thought of having them around; he’d do anything, accept anyone that made her happy.

“That’s very generous of you, son,” Ralph stated, “but I think it’d be best to find our own place; after all, we are moving here.”

“We are?” Angela and Andrew asked together.

“We are, are we?” Joanna inquired showing that it was as much of a surprise to her as it was to the kids.

“I can’t imagine you’d want to live halfway across the globe from your grandbabies and I think this place would be a nice change from Sydney. What do you say Andrew? You’ve always said you wanted to attend college here. NYU, acting school…”

“Hell yeah,” the sixteen-year-old replied making them all laugh.

“Are you sure you’re okay with all of this?” Tyler asked the next morning.

“Never been better,” she admitted with a smile. “I honestly can’t believe it, but yet it’s so right.”

“Have I mentioned how much I love you lately?” he stated with a kiss.

“Mmm not for the last eight hours or so,” she returned happily.

“I do—you and these two, my own little angels.”

“Well, I have a slight feeling our angels want to hear that for themselves,” she told him feeling the same pain she’d been having half the night again.

“They do, do they?” he asked leaning over to kiss her stomach. “Bella,” he said his eyes full of questions when he felt the tightness of it.

“I think it’s time Ty.”

“Now?” he asked, and she could see the panic well up in his eyes.

“Relax Ty, they’re still about fifteen apart,” she told him with a smile as he jumped out of the bed.

She laughed watching him rush around grabbing things left and right. He stopped in the doorway and turned back to her dropping the bag and heading back to help her up. He gave her a long kiss and she knew he was back.

“Better?” she asked.

“Sorry, are you ready to go?”

“Give me a few minutes. I don’t feel like walking into the hospital looking like this,” she said sweeping her hand over her nightgown.

“Of course not,” he agreed easily but she knew he was anxious.

He kept glancing at his watch as she changed into a maternity dress of Toby’s and slid her feet into the flats she loved. She couldn’t believe her steadfast husband, her Ty, was acting so loopy but she knew why. He was worried something would happen and he wouldn’t be able to help, and she loved him more for it.


Did you hear the bells ringing today, folks? Well, you know the saying every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings…well today two new angels were born to our favorite one. Yes, I said two…seems the gender of the baby wasn’t the only thing the proud Reed parents were keeping quiet. This afternoon Arabella Angel and husband Tyler Reed offered up this statement:

Arabella and Tyler joyfully announce the birth of son Matthew Spencer Reed and daughter Ashley Joanna Reed. Mom and babies are happily resting surrounded by their family and friends. Dad can be found beaming brightly from his favorite spot right next to Mommy.

Adorable, isn’t it? I know what you’re asking when do we get to see pictures right? Arabella and Tyler promised this reporter the first glimpse of them…but for now we say congratulations Reed family.

“This is Dad’s favorite spot,” Tyler said holding Bella against him as his son rested on his chest and their daughter on hers.

“I love you, Ty.”

“I love you, my Bella; thank you for giving me the world over and over again.”

“Always,” she promised.


It’s that time again folks, the Angels Fashion Show led by none other than Arabella Angel herself. This year we were treated to an extra special surprise, including a look at the children’s line new offerings displayed by you guessed it, Arabella’s own little cuties. Although cute does not begin to cover those two. They are bound to break hearts when they get older just like mom, but also like their Aunt Angela…Angels’ newest model and sister to Arabella herself.

Seems like Angels is keeping it all in the family, but with looks like those who could blame them…until next time keep watching because with these girls anything is possible.

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