Page 68 of His Bella

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“Always Bella,” he answered kissing her forehead.

“Should we be expecting the sounds of little feet from the two of you anytime soon?” Renee asked. “We’ve heard rumors that Angels is looking to start a maternity and children’s line but won’t unless you’re the face behind it as always.”

“I can say that I plan on giving it my best shot,” Tyler stated.

“I’m thinking a yes is in there, as always we’ve left things to fate,” Bella added.

“I’m sure it’ll be a beautiful baby and I’d be happy to have another exclusive with you. So, I’ll wrap this up with one last question for you Arabella. What is the one thing you want the world to know about you or just in general?”

“Never let anyone make you feel bad about being you, trust your heart because for me, love is the one thing that really matters. When you find it, don’t be scared and run away from it. Embrace it and you’ll find your strength like you never have before,” Bella answered before the screen went back to Renee.

I told you it was a powerful story folks you just didn’t how powerful did you? So, from all of us here we wish you well Arabella and we’ll see you soon. We have a fashion show to recap after all and I have a feeling it’ll be incredible.

“You’re incredible,” Tyler whispered against her temple as they turned off the TV.

“Am I?” she asked lifting her face up to his.

“Shall I show you how much I love you and our babies?” he inquired lifting her into his arms and heading down the hallway to their bedroom.

“Please,” she agreed smiling yet again.

Chapter 15

Bella took a deep breath before she stepped out onto the runway for her final walk. She focused on Tyler, sitting in the middle of the front row, his eyes glued to her, and she smiled just for him. The reception she’d gotten the last two days had been incredible. Granted more than ever people were watching her and coming up to her but it was amazing to hear the stories and the thanks from total strangers. She’d met a dozen girls who had been through the shelter and even more who’d been through the clinic, but the best news was Rebecca had finally admitted that she needed help.

Tonight’s dress was amazing, Toby had outdone himself on it and she had never felt happier walking for millions as she did in that moment. When she reached the end of the runway she paused then stopped as Tyler stood up from his seat. She watched with a surprised smile as he knelt down at the end of it, holding up an eternity band to go along with her wedding set and she felt the tears prick her eyes. She laughed and held out her hand to him letting him slip it on in front of the entire world and then bent down pressing a light kiss to his lips before he bestowed one on her forehead and then let her continue her walk.

She wiped away a happy tear as she looked back at the crowd sending a wave to Tyler and the crowd lifted to their feet. Charlie and Toby were waiting with the other models, and they soon joined her on the runway giving her hugs before letting her close out the night in her own special fashion.

When he joined her backstage, she didn’t care who saw her wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him because she was completely content. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” he countered adding at her raised brow, “there’re three of you but only one of me.”

“Ha, ha, ha,” she teased against his lips as they slipped out to head to the office party. It was going full force when they arrived but the moment they did, the music stopped and a round of applause went out. She leaned into Tyler as he gave her a light kiss and then hugged her in-laws.

“You have no idea how happy we are to see you two so happy,” Vivien stated holding her tightly.

“You’re glowing Bella,” Steven added, and she grinned.

“Must be because of so much happiness just growing inside me,” she told them as Tyler laughed.

“Bella,” Vivien asked studying her closely. Her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes sparkled.

“Eleven weeks, we want to keep it quiet still but Merry Christmas,” she said before receiving another round of hugs as Toby and Jessica reached them.

“Did you?” she asked glancing towards the older Reeds.


“Thank god,” she laughed. “Don’t worry we won’t say anything before you all make the public announcement but at least I don’t have to worry about spilling it to the parents.”

“Well, there’s one more thing,” Bella stated as Tyler wrapped his arm around her pulling her to his side.

“What?” Steven asked.

“It’s twins,” she told the group.

“You know that already?” Vivien questioned.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance