Page 67 of His Bella

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“So, the photos from that night of Arabella and Quinn where she was upset weren’t caused by your infidelity?”

“No,” Tyler answered.

“That was simply Quinn being a wonderful friend and pulling the truth from me,” Bella added.

“I knew Bella had been upset and that she had been tense regarding the love scene in our film, which we have wrapped so no more stress in her life from that, and I just wanted to make sure she was alright,” Quinn stated.

“Those photos were taken after I’d told Quinn about my past and being the great guy that he is he comforted me, which led to Tyler going a bit crazy.”

“I did. I couldn’t imagine anyone being able to be just friends with Bella. I look at her and I see my world and I know that other men can see it too. It was that part of my brain that I was allowing to rule myself.”

“And now?” Renee inquired looking at the three.

“Now, it took something horrible coming out for me to admit that I can’t possibly live without my Bella. The last month without her has been hell, as the three assistants I’ve had in that time can tell you,” Tyler said with a chuckle. “The moment I heard that Bella was at the hospital I realized it didn’t matter what I was imagining because the truth was and always has been literally staring me in the face.”

“What does that mean?” Renee asked.

“My office at work faces the most amazing billboard in all of Times Square, from the day I started working for Reed Financial I’ve had the same office, even when I took over for my father, I refused to leave it because every time I look out the window, I see my Bella. I had forgotten the shoot until Quinn threw some photos at me when he came by to tell me that Bella needed me. When I saw the pictures it all came back to me, and I knew instantly that I had to tell Bella the complete truth.”

“Which is?” Renee asked.

“That I love her and the only thing that I truly am afraid of is losing her,” Tyler said kissing her forehead again. “I allowed myself to believe the fodder about her and Quinn because in a way I was trying to lessen the impact of the day that I lost her.”

“But that day’s never going to come,” Bella said resting her head on his shoulder.

“So, the man behind the scenes at the photo shoot that produced the new photo, was you?” Renee asked Tyler.

“It was. I’d forgotten the shoot because the weekend after it was the only thing that I could remember. It was the perfect weekend,” Tyler stated.

“And what is your take on this Quinn?” Renee inquired.

“As long as Bella’s happy I’m happy for them. Yes, when Bella did her cameo in the first film, I thought about trying to worm my way in between them. I am a man after all and it’s Arabella Angel, the woman who’s been filling our fantasies for years. But after meeting and getting to know the real Bella, there was never any doubt that she’d say no a million times over,” Quinn answered.

“And the pictures of you and Arabella out and about around town are?”

“Just photos taken from the set of the movie, the only time my lips have ever touched hers is for the film. Her heart belongs to Tyler, though it is big enough to let the rest of us in as her friends and we’re happy that Tyler finally listened to reason.”

“Amen to that,” Tyler agreed. “And now that I have my Bella back, I’m never letting go; no matter who tries to get their fifteen minutes of fame.”

“Such as Chrysler?” Renee laughed.

“Don’t even mention that debacle…that guy,” Bella said rolling her eyes.

“What’s next for Arabella and Tyler? The movie has wrapped, the fashion show’s just around the corner…what then?”

“Well, I think I’ll be cashing in my ticket to Paris,” Bella said laughing when she saw the surprise on Quinn and Tyler’s faces.

“Ticket to Paris?” Tyler asked.

“You were being an idiot and I needed a break.”

“But not anymore?” Renee asked.

“Not unless he’s with me,” she said smiling up at him.

“How does a month on some secluded beach sound?” Tyler asked lowering his mouth to hers.

“You’re going to be there with me the entire time?” she questioned.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance