Page 66 of His Bella

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“I promise everything will come out. I just want to tell it my way, if you’re not okay with that just say so and we’ll find someone who is willing to make sure that it is. We want editing rights because this is important and some things that may not seem important to the network, really are to us.”

“Bella, you’re giving me the biggest exclusive in the world. I’ll let you say whatever you want, we’ll go through it frame by frame, but I’ve got to make sure I can ask some questions in this.”

“You can ask…for once nothing’s off limits but after I tell it,” Bella promised.

“Alright, just one question for my own personal reference, you and Tyler…your recent time apart…”

“We had some issues to work through. We’ll explain more later but I can say with a hundred percent, complete and utter certainty that we have never been happier or in a better place in our relationship, even if it did take a scare to get us there.”

Renee gave her a nod and she settled down on the couch beside Tyler who wrapped his arm around her for strength and support as they got started. It was a similar pose to how they were sitting a few nights later, two days before the fashion show and the annual Christmas Eve party for the company, as they watched the final product appear on the screen.

Welcome ladies and gentlemen…once again our show is dedicated to the one woman the entire world loves to hear about, but our show tonight is one for the record books, time wise and content wise. I had the incredible privilege to sit down with Arabella earlier this week and get a firsthand account of her remarkable story. Tonight, is one you don’t want to miss, and I can promise it’ll run you through your emotions, so have a box of Kleenex handy.

Before we get started, I’d like to say something about and to Arabella. For sixteen years we’ve watched her grow from a stunning teenager and into a woman whose strength and integrity I have always admired. Thank you, Arabella, for allowing me to see and experience this with you and I cannot wait to see what else you have in store for us. Now on to Arabella’s story…one she told us in her own words for the first time ever, completely candid and unabridged…

They sat watching the screen though they both knew what to expect but the pain of it all wasn’t there anymore and she rested her head against Tyler’s chest happy to be home. The normal half hour program slipped to the hour mark and as they neared the hour and a half she was finally at the end. The program broke for a commercial break and when it came back on Renee was back to start the question-and-answer section of the interview.

We’re not finished just yet…once again I was able to ask Arabella questions and there was nothing she held back.

“Arabella, your story, your life, it is unimaginable what you must have gone through. How did you cope with it at fourteen?”

“I didn’t, not very well at least, but I had the two most amazing women acting as surrogate mothers who knew the truth or as much of it at that point as we all did, and they made sure I was never put into a situation like that again.”

“Did you speak with anyone, counselors, who helped you through it?”

“No, outside of Mandy and Charlie the only other people who knew were the doctor and nurses who were on duty when I came into the ER. I’ve always been the type of person to internalize what was hurting me. I’d never had someone to lean on other than Tyler and it wasn’t something I wanted him to know at that time. It took me too long I’d say to finally admit it to him and to myself.”

“When you did tell him, were you scared it would change the way he looked at you, treated you?”

“Completely, and it did in a way, but surprisingly it was all for the better. It was also the moment I allowed myself to see what I’d been doing by keeping it all inside. I was terrified to step back onto that runway for the first Angels’ Fashion Show, but I was able to because he was there in the front row, and I knew without a doubt that he would catch me if I couldn’t do it.”

“It was the turning point in your relationship with Tyler?”

“It was, as we said before, after that night we both knew we couldn’t deny what we’d always known. That for us…there was always only the other.”

“There have been rumors and reports that your relationship lately has been problematic, that it’s driven you to anorexia, the hospital,” Renee said leadingly.

“The reason I’ve visited the Verona Center for Eating Disorders is for a couple reasons. One, I was hoping to convince an upcoming model who has been struggling with anorexia for the past year to finally accept the help. And two, is because I am the founder of the clinic. I put the money down for its creation after my friend Veronica Verona died because of anorexia.”

“You donated the money you received from the pictures of your wedding to the Verona Center as well as the New Hope Shelter, the center for teenagers, is that because of what you went through?”

“I founded the shelter also. A few years after my experience I met a girl who’d been in a similar situation and even though I couldn’t bring myself to talk about it, I knew it was what others needed and I could provide it. Thanks to my wonderful father-in-law, we set them both up and continue to support both places.”

“Remarkable but back to the questions on everyone’s mind. Tyler, Quinn, and your recent hospitalization?”

“Tyler is and always will be my best friend. We’ve had our problems just as everyone else in the world has, but ours were magnified because of the media exposure. Quinn is a dear friend but that’s it. As for the visit to the hospital, it was a combination of emotional stress over some difficulties in my relationship with Tyler along with the emotional toll that hearing the lies from David and Isabella and a slight case of dehydration leading to an order from my doctor to take it easy.”

“But isn’t that a little hard with the fashion show right around the corner not to mention the movie you’re filming with Quinn, who happens to be here along with your husband…would you mind if we bring them out?”

“Not at all,” Bella answered watching as the two men came over. Quinn kissed her cheek before settling down on the chair leaving Tyler the spot on the loveseat with her. He kissed her forehead and her eyes fluttered closed.

“I have to ask Quinn, Tyler…what has been going on with the two triangles that have been hitting the airways since February?”

“I think the best answer to that is nothing,” Tyler stated. “I don’t mean we’re saying nothing, but nothing has gone on despite what it may have appeared to the public, and I will admit to myself for a brief time.”

“You believed Arabella was cheating on you with Quinn?” Renee asked amazed.

“Stupidly yes, I have to admit that my wife had more faith in me than I had in her. She was angry and upset that I hadn’t told her the truth about the extent to which Penelope had attempted to take things, but she fully believed me when I said nothing happened.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance