Page 60 of His Bella

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“What happened is that I found where she’d been, what she’s been doing.”

“What’s that?” Vivien asked.

“Sleeping with Quinn, he was the only one I couldn’t get hold of, so I went by his suite, and he answered the door in a towel. Bella was there in a robe with her skin all nice and slick from the shower, so I let her go just as I’d promised her I would. I let her go so she’d be happy, and now I’m more miserable than I’ve ever been,” he admitted sinking down onto the couch.

“Why couldn’t you have just let it be Mother?” he asked turning on them. “If you hadn’t put that stupid engagement announcement in the paper, we never would have gotten married, and I’d still have at least a part of my Bella in my life. Now the only time I see her is when I stare at the damn billboard and it’s taunting me because I know the truth about the passion behind her eyes.”

“Tyler…you’re drunk,” Vivien declared.

“I’ve been drunk for a week Mother, ever since I found my wife, theonlywoman I’ve ever loved in the arms—or robe of another man. You pushed and this is the end result.”

“This is not your mother’s fault Tyler. It’s yours for being dumb enough to leave without getting answers. Bella wouldn’t cheat on you; she loves you,” Steven said shaking his head sadly.

“No, she loves her friend Ty, she found passion in my arms and proved that she wasn’t the ice queen she thought she was, but she’s never been in love with me.”

“There’s no point in talking with him right now Steven; he’s too drunk to know the difference,” Vivien cautioned as her husband started to speak. “The only thing we can do is hope they come to their senses.”

“I’ll bring him to his if he doesn’t stay out of the booze,” Steven warned as they settled in for a quiet Thanksgiving.

Tyler turned on the TV the next night to watch the recap of the unveiling of Bella’s billboard and nearly swallowed his tongue when he saw it. It was beyond anything she’d ever shot before, and it made him want to go beat the hell out of Quinn for pulling that out of her when he couldn’t. The news coverage of it didn’t help any either.

It’s that time of year again…time for us to discover the latest ad from the Angels brand and they certainly outdid themselves this year. Arabella Angel looks mesmerizing, and rumors have it there’s a new fella in the Angel’s life. Sources close to Arabella and Tyler Reed confirm that they have split following the reports that came out the day after their one-year anniversary. I must say this reporter is quite surprised because when I met with them in May they seemed quite content with one another, but when you have a man like Quinn Ross thrown into the mix things are bound to be shaken.

Other sources say the photo was taken while one of the men in Arabella’s life was present, which one hasn’t been disclosed but whoever he is…he’s a lucky guy. But then we’re all lucky because we’ll get to see the dazzling beauty in our own backyard every day, not to mention the fashion show that’s just a month away, folks. Arabella and Quinn are still shooting their movie, a follow up to the one that put these two together in the first place and it’s been said that their love scene is h.o.t.t.…hot. Keep it tuned to us…we’ll bring you the latest gossip about Arabella and her current man…

Tyler clenched his fist as the reporter’s face changed showing a picture from their wedding day and then one of her laughing up into Quinn’s face before switching to reveal her billboard and he lost it. He picked up the vase sitting on the table and launched it towards the screen, watching as they both shattered. Just like him and his heart, he knew, and all because of Bella.

Chapter 13

Bella held in her sigh as Toby made the adjustments to her dress. She could see the questions in his eyes as well as in Charlie’s but thankfully they held them in instead of saying them aloud. She didn’t want to get into it right now. She’d probably burst into tears much as she had a million times over the last few weeks. The unveiling of the new ad had hit her hard because she remembered the day that picture had been taken, a day that Tyler should too but he didn’t or else he would have come after her.

The fashion show was next week, and she wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and cry until it was over, but she wouldn’t do that. She couldn’t do that. Amazingly the only thing that was going right was the movie. They’d wrapped the final scene the day before and now she was just waiting for the show to get here before she left and went to Paris for a month.

She needed space, especially now. She was tired of living at the hotel. She had a ticket for the first flight out after the show Christmas Eve though no one but her knew that.

“I think that’s enough for today,” Charlie stated looking at her sadly.

“Bella, what did we tell you about losing weight?” Toby asked getting up. “I’m just going to have to do a final fitting the day of the show because by then you’ll probably be falling out of everything again.”

“I’m fine,” she said slipping the dress off as she turned away from them, sliding into her robe.

“If this is your definition of fine, I don’t want to see what not fine is,” he countered holding up the dress. “You’ve never been this tiny Bella; you’re about to kick the anorexia rumors back into full gear if you don’t stop.”

“Honey, we get that you’re upset over what happened with Tyler, but this is not the way to deal with it,” Charlie added. “You have to take care of yourself.”

“I am,” she said turning back to face them head on. “I’m not losing weight on purpose or because my heart’s broken into a million pieces; the truth is…”

“Don’t tell me you and Quinn are really together Bella-be,” Toby stated shaking his head. “He will tear your heart to shreds.”

“I’m not with Quinn; I swear he’s just a friend. The truth is, I’m pregnant…”

“What?” Charlie gasped before a huge grin stole across her face. “Oh Bella, that’s wonderful.”

“It would be if my husband didn’t think I was sleeping with another man,” she sighed catching the tear before it fell down her cheek.

“You and Tyler are acting stupid Bella-be; just go tell him. The man will be ecstatic and then the two of you can be as happy as Jess and I are,” Toby said with a smile.

“I just need some time to process all of this. Please don’t say anything to anyone for now. I don’t want a round of ‘who’s the daddy’ when there’s only ever been one possibility.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance