Page 59 of His Bella

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“To find my wife,” he replied and the three smiled.

“About time,” Paul stated turning towards his parents.

“Past time,” Steven agreed.

Tyler hurried home and changed as he dug out the present, he’d bought months ago for Bella. He hoped it would at least let him get his foot in the door wherever she was. He made some calls trying to see if she’d went to someone else’s, but no one had seen or heard from her, and he knew she was with Quinn. The only question was whether or not he was too late.

He made his way to the hotel, strode up the stairs to the top floor, and pounded on the door to his suite. There was no way he was going to let Quinn Ross steal his Bella. Quinn finally opened the door and his jaw tensed when he saw the other man fresh from the shower.

“Where is she?” he asked before she peered around the corner of the bedroom door and froze. Her hair was wrapped up on top of her head and her skin glistened.

“I guess that answers that,” he said before shoving the present into Quinn’s chest as his heart crashed into his feet. “Happy Birthday, Bella.”

Her feet were glued to the floor, and she felt the need to cry wash through her.

“Ty wait,” she called as he began to leave.

“Don’t, I get it Bella. I told you if you ever fell for someone else, I’d let you go…so that’s what I’m doing,” he said before turning to Quinn. “I swear to god though, if you hurt her, I’ll kill you.”

“Ty…wait,” she called again but he was already down the hallway, and she didn’t think it’d be smart to run after him in the robe she wore.

“I’m sorry Bella,” Quinn said sheepishly as he stepped away from the door. “Look let me get dressed and I’ll go explain.”

“No,” she said shaking her head and sighing. “It’s over.”

“Bella, you don’t mean that; come on honey, he loves you.”

“No, he doesn’t,” she said as the tears started pouring down her cheeks.


“He never did. We never were together as a real couple,” she admitted as he pulled her into a hug. She poured out the entire story, including the lies they’d told Tyler’s parents and the promise that they’d made.

“Bella that’s crazy. Tyler loves you.”

“But notthatway; I’m his friend nothing else, well other than the body that he’s slept with the past year.”

“Stop it; I’ve seen the way he looks at you and he does love youthatway. He’s crazy enough to step aside thinking that you’ve fallen for me. He wouldn’t do that unless he wanted you to be happy Bella.”

“I wish I could believe you Quinn, but I already know the truth. The world might love Arabella, but no one cares enough to really love Bella. It’s okay though. It’s better this way,” she said pushing away her pain and the tears. “Now I can see what I’ve been missing out on, right? Ty’s always been my security net and now…he’s gone. I’ll just have to learn to catch myself I guess.”

“Bella don’t do anything stupid. The next few weeks are going to be crazy between your work for Angels and the movie…go home and fight this out. Show him how much you love him and let him show you how much he loves you.”

“I can’t Quinn; he doesn’t want me anymore. He’ll still try and protect me but it’s time I take care of myself,” she told him getting up to leave. “Thank you for listening to me while I ranted earlier, and this isn’t your fault, Quinn. He was never going to believe me, not then and not now.”

“Bella,” he tried again but she wouldn’t listen. “At least take your present.”

“Thanks,” she said giving him a slight smile before she headed back to her room. She tossed it onto the bed before she sank to the floor and cried again. She’d be okay; she had to be. She was a fighter, wasn’t she?

She stuffed the present into the front pocket of the suitcase knowing if she opened it, she’d lose the resolve she felt to make a clean break. Quinn was right the next few weeks were going to be crazy, but she’d get through them the same way she always did, one foot in front of the other until she reached her goal.


“Tyler, where’s Bella?” Vivien inquired as he walked into the house on Thanksgiving.

“Probably with Quinn; she’s made her choice and it’s not me,” he stated heading to the liquor cabinet.

“I think you’ve had enough wouldn’t you say Tyler?” Steven said blocking his way. “You were determined on her birthday to bring her home so what happened?”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance