Page 61 of His Bella

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“We won’t say a word honey,” Charlie said pulling her into a hug. “Now how far along are you and all that?”

“Ten weeks, I found out right before the ad came out,” she said wishing she’d known on her birthday, their anniversary and told Ty about it then. Maybe then he wouldn’t have accused her of cheating, then again, he might have asked if it was his or Quinn’s and that would have been worse than just the accusation that she’d cheated on him.

“You’ve known for three almost four weeks and didn’t say anything to us?” she asked.

“I was processing it and that ad didn’t help any.”

“That’s the second time you’ve mentioned the ad,” Toby said eyeing her closely. “Wait that was…aw hell Bella, Tyler was at that shoot. That picture…”

“Yeah, let’s just say that weekend certainly changed things,” she sighed wanting to block out the reminders of that day. “Now every time I see it…”

“Bella, you need to tell Tyler,” Charlie cautioned. “Make him see the truth so you don’t hurt yourself with regrets. I’ve seen the two of you and you’re perfect together.”

“We were before we got married and everything changed in our relationship. Now I miss him as the man who steals my breath away, the man who makes me feel special just by holding me and I really miss my best friend because the moment I found out all I wanted to do was tell my best friend, but I can’t because it’s him and he thinks that Quinn and I…” she broke off as the tears hit her full force and she couldn’t stop them.

“Oh Bella,” Charlie said holding her tightly as she cried. “Tell him honey.”

“I will, just not now,” she stated pulling away from the woman as she heard two people call out her name. She looked both ways and saw Quinn heading towards her in one direction and Mandy from the other. They both looked serious, and she knew something was up and it wasn’t good news.

“I really don’t think I’m going to like this, am I?” she asked as they reached her.

“Bella, I think you should sit down,” Mandy said holding the magazine tightly.

“Whatever it is just tell me; Quinn, what are they trying to pull now?”

“Bella honey, you really should sit down,” Quinn told her and the look on his face spoke volumes. She grabbed the magazine and stared at the headline before she dashed from the room, barely making it to the bathroom before throwing up. Her entire being shook and she was barely conscious of the hands that picked her up off the floor.

“Bella, it’ll be okay,” Quinn said gently as he carried her to the dressing room and put her down on the couch.

“Bella what’s going on?” Toby asked the only one in the room unaware of the truth.

“Don’t Toby,” Charlie said holding him back as he tried to cross the room to her.

“It’s okay,” she said glancing up. “I’m okay.”

“Says the woman who just threw up after some sleaze said they’ve been having a fourteen-year affair; I get that it sucks but what’s with this reaction Bella?” Toby asked.

“David was Izzie’s husband Toby,” she told him. “He also happens to be the person who raped me when I was fourteen.”

“Holy mother of…Bella,” he gasped in horror.

“What are you going to do about it, Bella?” Quinn asked holding her hand as it shook.

“I don’t know,” she admitted pulling her knees up and laying her head against them to stop the horrible memories that assailed her.

“Sorry,” Kelsey said coming into the room. “I guess you saw it?”

“We did,” Mandy answered.

“There’s more,” she said hesitantly pulling out the computer.

“From that creep?” Quinn asked.

“From Izzie…”

“Play it,” Bella told her, and she watched as her sister’s face came up onto the screen with Renee’s.

Arabella Angel a home wrecker? That’s what it seems, and you’ll never believe whose home it was…her very own twin sister’s. As you can tell Arabella and her sister Isabella are nowhere near identical, but it seems they both were interested in the same man.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance