Page 10 of His Bella

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“Then I’d better hurry…your tux is in the men’s suite, it’s the one with the green bag and your shoes are there, yes I found them,” she teased, knowing he’d purposely hid them, as they went upstairs.

At six twenty-five he knocked on the door and when she opened it his jaw dropped. “Wow…you look…Bella, we might just have a problem here…”

“What? Don’t tell me the dress is stained.”

“No, but I think all eyes will be on you instead of the bride.”

“No, they won’t. She’ll be the one standing up at the front of the room while I will be making sure everything runs smoothly in the back,” she assured him as they went down in the elevator. At exactly six-thirty the older couple appeared in the doorway of the hotel, and they hurried across the lobby to meet them.

“Oh Bella, you get more beautiful every time I see you,” Vivien stated kissing her cheeks.

“Thank you, Vivien, it’s not true, but thank you,” she said before Steven swept her up in a giant hug.

“How’s my son treating you at work these days?” he asked.

“Wonderfully, no one’s questioned my promotion to Grant’s position now that he’s retired. I guess two years as junior VP, and then three as VP left no doubts in their minds and I seem to have a certain knack for getting my boss to see reason—and not break all the vases in the building when he gets into a temper,” she said sending a teasing grin towards Tyler.

“Doesn’t hurt that my head of the PR department is a knockout and half the time the press can’t concentrate on what she’s saying because they’re trying to pick their tongues up off the ground,” Tyler added.

“The charmer as ever I see,” Vivien said taking her son’s arm, he offered. “Now what shall we have for dinner? Isn’t the dining room the other way?” she added as they steered the two towards the ballroom.

“We have a small surprise for you,” Bella answered stepping up beside Tyler when they reached the closed doors. “Alright, close your eyes…keep them closed…okay now open,” she said once they’d opened the doors and stepped aside.

The reactions on their faces were priceless and Bella couldn’t stop grinning.

“Steven, did you?” Vivien asked wiping away a tear as she glanced over at him.

“Not a thing,” he replied. “How on earth did you do this?”

“It was all Bella,” Tyler told them. “She managed to do this all in about a month—she wasn’t too enthused with my idea of just having a dinner party and this is what she came up with.”

“Well? What do you think?” she couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s absolutely the most amazing thing in the world,” Vivien told her.

“Well then, we should get upstairs so you two can change. Tyler can show you where your tux is Uncle Steven and I have a surprise for you,” she added pointing to Vivien.

“Change?” Steven said looking at their outfits again. “I guess we are a bit underdressed…”

“You are and the minister will be here in thirty minutes along with the guests,” Tyler agreed as they hurried them to the elevator.

Once they were in the women’s suite, she took Vivien to the bedroom and opened the closet to reveal the dresses, two in case she didn’t like the recreation of her wedding dress.

“Bella,” she gasped looking at the garment. “How? My original was destroyed in the fire…”

“The pictures that were saved helped and I have a few friends who are designers who were more than willing to help out.”

“You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever known Bella,” Vivien told her once she was dressed. “Don’t ever question that. I know your parents and even I haven’t always been on your side, and you didn’t deserve that. I am so glad you and Tyler are so close now…and I hope someday soon it’ll be your wedding we’re getting dressed for.”

“I don’t know about that…but I’m thankful for Tyler. He’s been the one thing I know will never change. No matter what is going on in the world outside he’s the one constant that’s kept me grounded. Now, shall we get you downstairs so I can make sure everyone’s here for us to start?”

“Absolutely,” she agreed.

Tyler met them outside the doors and kissed both their cheeks as he assured Bella that everyone was in attendance.

“Then I guess it’s time for the bride to walk down the aisle,” Bella grinned.

“Mom, since Granddad isn’t here this time would you mind if I did the honors?” Tyler asked holding out his arm.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance