Page 11 of His Bella

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“I’d love nothing more…oh Bella the bouquet is perfect,” Vivien said as she got ready to open the doors. “Wait, don’t you have one?”

“For what?” Bella asked.

“So, you can be my maid of honor of course,” she stated taking one of the smaller bouquets from the stand outside and shifting the other to cover the now missing one. “Shall we?”

“I was going to stay in the back…”

“That dress says look at me and I’d love nothing more than to have my beautiful goddaughter standing beside me and my son across from her,” Vivien told her leaving her no room to argue.

“Okay,” she agreed letting the hotel employee open the door for her. She walked up the aisle easily keeping her chin high in order to ignore her family who would be displeased that she was there let alone having such an impact on the event. When she reached the end Steven kissed her cheek before the music changed and Tyler and Vivien appeared in the doorway.

Steven’s intake of breath made all the hassles over the dress worth it and as the ceremony went on, she found herself watching Tyler more than his parents and each time she looked up she caught his eyes on her. Her quick glance at her dress assured her that it hadn’t fallen down. She relaxed as the minister finished the ceremony and Vivien and Steven walked down the aisle leaving her and Tyler to follow.

“Did you see my dad’s face when Mom appeared?” he whispered as they headed across the lobby to the larger ballroom which had been set up for the rest of the party.

“All the fuss over getting it right was so worth that and your mom apologized for not sticking up for me as I grew up…”

“You’re kidding? I knew she was mad that she hadn’t but for her to apologize…that must have taken more than just the evening and the dress to accomplish.”

“Things change, people change,” she shrugged. “But she did mention that she hoped the next wedding she got dressed for would be mine—and it sounded like she thought the groom would be you.”

“Interesting idea,” he said as the rest of the guests joined them. His father quieted everyone down as glasses of champagne were brought out and distributed amongst the guests.

“I would like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride of forty years,” Steven began, “you look as radiant tonight as you did in a dress so like that back then and to our son for everything, he’s done to make tonight happen which includes roping our goddaughter Bella into helping him plan the evening. When we arrived tonight for dinner with them, we never imagined we’d be renewing our vows and I certainly never thought I’d see my beautiful wife in this dress again. Thank you, Bella…you have made tonight an evening we will never forget.”

“To Bella,” Vivien added.

“Now shall we eat?” she said with a smile seeing her sisters’ displeasure at the toast.

“You did great,” Tyler said two hours later as they watched the others dance. “Although I’ve certainly detected an annoyance from your family…”

“What family? The only one I claim happens to be sitting at this table with me,” she stated with a grin that shone true.

“Then I’m honored to have you,” he teased kissing her hand and stirring up emotions inside her that she knew she shouldn’t act on. She couldn’t stop staring and it seemed neither could he.

“Dance with me?” he asked pulling her up.

“Of course,” she agreed moving into his arms easily. They’d danced together a million times before but each time their bodies touched sparks flew through her and she knew that no matter how much she tried to deny it, things between them had changed. At least on her part and now she was worried she’d do something crazy and lose her best friend.

Steven cut in and finished the dance before pulling her over for some more pictures which reminded her of the last present, she had arranged for them. She gave them the bag and watched as they pulled out the large box and opened the lid, moving the tissue paper aside to reveal the framed photo.

“How did you do this?” Tyler asked staring down at the picture.

“Calvin, my photographer from the Angels line, is a genius with restorations. I asked him if he could try and salvage some of the frames that were found and this is what he managed to come up with,” she admitted as several others began to come see the gift. “There’s also an album underneath that has the rest of the photos that were saved.”

“My sweet Bella,” Steven said hugging her. “Thank you…”

“I didn’t do much, honestly, besides you made sure everything I earned was properly looked after. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you,” she told him.

“There’s no need to put the blame onto Uncle Steven,” Jordanna snipped coming up behind them. “You managed to ruin your life all on your own.”

“Of course, I did,” she said lightly.

“Enough Jordanna,” Vivien stated. “I don’t want you fighting with your sister tonight. She went to a lot of trouble planning all of this and she deserves respect for what she’s accomplished not only tonight but also…”

“By being the only sister to not be divorced,” Bella cut in not wanting them to know the truth; they didn’t need or deserve it. “So sorry to hear about the latest catastrophe in the Remsen family, if you’ll excuse me, I see a few people I’d much rather be talking to…”

“Bella,” Tyler said making a dive for her hand, but she slipped away hoping he’d keep her success away from her so-called family.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance