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Lucas narrowed his eyes and replied in a husky voice, “That’s not a rule, you know.”

“It’s not?” I asked innocently.

He lifted me up and placed me on the kitchen island, pushing my legs apart. “Hold onto the sides and don’t touch me, Hollie.”

“What?” I asked, my voice sounding as if I just ran a marathon.

“Hold onto the edges of the island and do not touch me.”

Swallowing hard, I did as he said. He bent down and I knew he was trying to keep his pain off his face. I was about to say something when he pushed a finger in, and I gasped and nearly jumped off the island.

“Fuck, you’re wet.”

All I could do was nod. Then he was there. His mouth on me, licking and sucking like he was about to eat his last meal. My head dropped back, and I gripped the edges of the kitchen island so hard, my hands nearly cramped.

“Lucas, yes! Don’t stop, I’m so close.”

He buried his face deeper, and I let out a strangled cry of pleasure.

My hand went to his hair, and I pulled him in closer. Then he stopped and I looked down at him.

“Why did you stop?” I panted.

“You touched me.”

Frowning, I lifted my hand and cursed it. Holding onto the island again, Lucas went straight to my clit. When his fingers filled me, I knew my orgasm was coming. I could feel it in the tips of my toes.

“More!” I cried as I rocked my hips against my face. Who was I and how did Lucas bring out this side of me?

“Yes! Yes! Oh, God! Lucas!” I cried out as my orgasm hit me like a bolt of lightning.

I wasn’t even sure what I was saying. All I knew was it felt so damn good, and I never wanted to leave this spot ever again.


What a day.

After a successful day at the dig site, I left to help with the last of the setup for Greg and Janet’s engagement. I loved seeing Hollie in action and had caught myself a number of times daydreaming about last night and this morning. After everything had been set up, I snuck into the barn office and kissed Hollie until she was left dizzy and wanting more. She hadn’t planned on staying for the celebration afterward, but I had insisted. I wanted everyone to know that we were together now and that Hollie Craft was officially off the market and mine. She wouldn’t let me pick her up at her place because she said she still had a ton of stuff to do and would be late for the party, so we made plans to meet up.

“It was so beautiful!” my mother gushed as she hugged me. “Greg and Janet can’t stop smiling, and it’s all because of you and Hollie.”

“You should save the hugs for Hollie. She was the one who turned this entire barn into this,” I said as I swung my arm out to the decorated barn.

“She is amazing, isn’t she?” Mom asked.

I couldn’t stop the smile even if I had tried. “She really is.”

“I couldn’t help but notice how the two of you seemed to be closer than normal today. I think, at one point, you might have even snuck off with her.”

My smile grew into a full-on grin. “Let’s just say, we called a truce, and things are really good between us.”

Mom could hardly contain her excitement as she let out a little yelp, then clapped. She reached up and kissed me on the cheek.

“I always knew you two would end up together. I saw you both at the ball last night.”

I rubbed the back of my neck as I looked around, then focused back on my mother. “Mom, don’t get crazy with this, okay?”

Her face fell. “Is it not serious?”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Romance