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“Oh, it is. I mean, I really like Hollie. A lot. So please don’t be pushy, okay?”

She gasped and clutched her hand to her chest. “Me? Pushy? I wouldn’t dream of doing that.”

I raised a single brow. “If you say so.”

“Oh, I see your Uncle Nate. I’ll be right back, darling.”

Once my mother walked away, I pulled out my phone and sent Hollie a text.

Me: ETA of when you’ll be here?

A loud bang came from across the room, and I looked up. Someone had fallen into one of the food tables.

“Shit,” I said as I rushed over to help.

“I’m so sorry! I lost my balance while trying to show Dan here how long I could stand on one leg,” my Aunt Nancy stated as my father was helping her up.

“Thank you, Tim, darling. You’re such a good brother and thank goodness you’re a doctor. I think I broke something.”

“Your ego, dear sister,” my father said with a smile as he shook his head at his sister.

“What happened?” I asked as I bent down to pick up some plates and food that had spilled over.

My father rolled his eyes. “Your aunt was just showing us proof that she was once a flamingo in a previous life by standing on one foot. Unfortunately, she lost her balance after five seconds.”

“It was at least ten!” Aunt Nancy called out as I attempted to hide my smile.

“You okay, Aunt Nancy?” I asked as I picked up the last of the bad food and tossed it into the garbage that was being held open.

With a wave of her hand and then a thumbs-up, she made her way over to the punch, which I was positive my father spiked.

A light tap on my shoulder had me turning around, a smile on my face.

When I saw it was Wendy, my smile faded. “Wendy,” I said as I looked at her hand that was extended out.

With a smile that said she was up to no good, she purred, “You dropped your phone, honey.”

I took it and cleared my throat. “I’m not your honey, Wendy.”

She leaned in and ran her tongue over her top teeth. “You are when you let me suck that big cock of yours.”

I cringed at the image and her words. “Is there something you wanted?”

She laughed. “Besides you?”

“I see the rash is clearing up.”

Her smile faded and she reached up to touch her face. “I think that little witch had something to do with it.”

“Little witch?” I asked.

“Hollie! She must have told her sister to sell me some bad products. It’s not a coincidence my body broke out after I used a soap her sister recommended I try.”

“Really? It could be, especially if you’ve never used it before.”

Her mouth opened to argue, but it was clear she hadn’t been prepared for me to be alone.

“Lucas, do you have a moment where we could talk? It’s not personal, more on the side of business.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Romance