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“Know what?”

“A bunch of girls decided it would be fun to send me and Sarah black roses with some pretty cruel things written on them. Someone went so far as to put a dead mouse on one and put it in my locker.”

Lucas looked horrified. “I heard about that! I didn’t know it had happened to you and Sarah, though.”

“A couple of other girls as well. They all practiced witchcraft or have parents who did. Even though I didn’t, it was association through my sister.”

“Did they ever find out who put the dead mouse in your locker?”

My eyes met his, and I really didn’t want to tell him.

“It doesn’t matter. It was so long ago.”

“Hollie, who did it?”

I chewed nervously on my lower lip before I looked away and said, “Wendy.”

“Wendy? Wendy Hoffman?”

With a tight smile, I replied, “The one and only.”

“No wonder you can’t stand her. I never knew she did that to you.”

“She did a lot of things to me, Lucas. But by the end of our sophomore year, I learned to stand up to her. Plus, I might have told her I was going to put a hex on her. She pretty much left me alone after that. Although, I’m pretty sure Sarah did put a hex on her, even though she will deny it until she takes her last breath.”

“I’m so sorry, Hollie. I had no idea she treated you poorly.”

“It’s okay. It’s all water under the bridge.”

He reached for my hand and squeezed it. “I hate that we wasted so much time being so stupid.”

Smiling, I replied, “I think it worked out the way it was supposed to.”

Our eyes locked and I wondered if Lucas could feel the way the air sparkled between us.

I stood. “Let’s clean up. We both have a busy day ahead of us.”

“You get the dishes, and I’ll get the pans. I’m a messy cook and tend to use more things than I need to.”

Chuckling, I took our dishes and headed to the kitchen sink. I rinsed and placed items in the dishwasher as Lucas cleaned up the kitchen. When he made his way back over to me, he wrapped his arms around me.

“I haven’t mentioned how incredibly sexy you are in my T-shirt.”

My head dropped back to his chest. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.”

When his hand touched my thigh, I felt my breath catch in my throat and my heartbeat pick up. He slowly moved his hand up, and when he realized I wasn’t wearing any panties, he dropped his head to mine and let out a low-sounding growl.

“If I had known you weren’t wearing panties, we would have never made it through breakfast.”

I turned in his arms and wrapped them around his neck. “What would you have eaten then if you had let all that food go to waste?”

His eyes darkened. “You.”

My tongue instantly ran over my lips as my gaze dropped to his mouth. I could feel the rush of wetness between my legs.

“Too bad there isn’t dessert after breakfast.”

Tags: Kelly Elliott Romance