Page 27 of The Beyond

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“Very cool,” Selene said. “I have a place I can go,” she said, looking down at her hands. “My entire life I’ve called it the Beyond.”

“What kind of place?” Mia asked with a slight frown.

“It’s… beyond this plane. To my knowledge, I’m the only one there.”

He silently thought about what she’d told him about her brother’s thoughts. If Selene’s Beyond world was really hell, then wouldn’t there be… evil there?

Mia surprised them both by saying. “I call it the Void,” she said.

“You can go there?” Selene sat forward.

“Large place, filled with light and sand? Yes.” Mia nodded.

“N-no.” Selene shook her head. “The Beyond is dark. No sand. There are red flowing rivers, like lava, but not hot. No sun, no light.”

Mia frowned. “Maybe they’re not the same. I was told that the Void was a safe space. A place to go when I’m in trouble.”

“Have you been in trouble before?” Scott asked.

Mia glanced at him. “Last year and a few nights ago,” she nodded.

“The moon each time?” Selene asked.

Mia’s eyes moved to hers and she nodded. “You saw it too?”

“The people I was telling you about in Hidden Creek. They stopped it. My parents…” Selene shook her head. “Long story, made short. My father is Typhon, father of monsters, and my mother is Rhea, mother of gods. Anyway, they came back to consume Tara and me. But Xtina and her group outwitted them. At least for a while.”

“That’s good to know,” Mia said, relaxing back. “I was in the Void until I felt you return earlier today. I had moved my entire family there, but now that it’s safe, I’ve moved them back.”

“Wait, you can take others there?” Selene asked.

“Sure. Can’t you take others to your Beyond?” Mia asked.

“No.” Selene glanced in his direction. “I’ve tried. Trust me.”

She had. How many times over the years had Selene tried to take him to her magical world? Too many.

“Maybe I can help with that. I was eighteen before I could take anyone else with me. I had to practice and learn how to do it,” Mia said.

“You… learned?” Selene asked. “That would be…” She was silent for a while.

“Helpful,” he finished for her. The thought of traveling to the Beyond, or hell, frightened him. But what scared him more was the possibility that he was meant to do something that would save the world and wouldn’t be able to.

Selene and Tara had done their part to try and save the world days ago. Soon, it would be his turn. Even if he didn’t believe Selene’s brother, he couldn’t deny that it was a strategic benefit for Selene to learn all that she could.

Besides, this would allow them to spend a little more time in Atlanta. Together.

“I have a wild idea.” Mia leaned forward. “Normally, I wouldn’t ask strangers, but after…” She shook her head. “How would the two of you like to spend some time at my family’s ranch outside of town?”

Selene was quiet for a moment. “I’m supposed to head back to Hidden Creek, but if you’re willing to teach me what you can, I’m game.” She glanced in his direction when she was done speaking.

“I’m not due back at work for ten days,” he chimed in. He’d been saving up all his leave for a trip but had taken it all for Selene.

“Perfect. We can leave in the morning.” Mia stood up and looked at him. “I’ll knock on your door at a quarter after seven.”

After she left, he shifted to get a better look at Selene.

“Thoughts?” he asked.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal