Page 28 of The Beyond

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“On Mia?” Selene relaxed back. “She’s the real deal. Powerful. We can trust her.”

He didn’t ask how she knew that part of it. Their entire lives, he had never asked any questions after she’d done her magic on anyone, but he knew that when she touched them, they saw their worst nightmares, and she got a glimpse into their souls.

“You don’t have to come along if you don’t want to.” She dropped her hand from his to take a bite of the muffin she’d gotten with her coffee.

He was starving, but since they’d run into Mia, his plans of ordering delivery had been spoiled. Instead, they’d each grabbed a muffin and coffee at the coffee shop.

“No, I’m going.” He glanced around. “There’s a Thai place across the street. How about we head over there and get some real food?”

“You’re buying.” She tossed down the rest of the muffin and climbed out of the booth.


Lying in Scott’s bed later that night, listening to his heartbeat against her ear, she thought over the decision she was making. If she learned how to bring others to the Beyond, then wasn’t she feeding into her brother’s wish to take Scott to the realm?

So far, she hadn’t had any visions of what her brother spoke of. For years prior to what had happened in Hidden Creek, she’d dreamed of the world’s destruction. In her mind, she’d witnessed the destruction of everything so many ways, she’d lost track of living.

Now she was finally freed of that darkness, and here was a new horror she was forced to face. So why did she feel the pull to go with Mia and learn the one thing that her brother needed for his demands?

Her mind went in circles until she finally drifted off to sleep.

As darkness swirled around her mind, she watched it shift and grow into a form.

“Hello, sister. Thinking of me?” Lucas was lounging on a bed, shirtless, and there were black silk sheets covering his hips. She assumed he was naked underneath. There was a dark figure lying beside him, but she could only see the shape.

“No,” she denied, but he shifted and, suddenly, they were somewhere else, both of them fully clothed. They stood on a large balcony overlooking a huge city. It was still night, and she wondered if this was where he really was or if he had just conjured up the location.

“Dreaming then.” Lucas smiled. “You’re worried about your man.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Wouldn’t you be worried about whomever I just saw you with if roles were reversed?” she countered.

Lucas’ smile shifted. “If you asked me, I wouldn’t even be able to tell you her name.”

She didn’t doubt it. He looked like a player. His jet-black hair was slicked back. His sharp jawline had just the right amount of stubble, and his hazel-yellow eyes no doubt drove many women crazy. He was tall, six-three or six-four. Once again, he was dressed to impress, this time in a black turtleneck and jeans. Even though it wasn’t the expensive suit like last time, his attire spoke of wealth. Then again, he could be projecting this image of himself just like he was the location.

“Where are you?” she asked easily.

He tilted his head slightly. “You’re back in Atlanta. I’m in New York,” he said, and she knew he was telling the truth.

“Why New York?” she asked. “Is that where you’ve always been?”

“No,” he answered. “Is Atlanta home?”

“For now.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Last time, she’d been in a long flowing dress. This time, it was a black sweater and jeans. She didn’t know if he’d conjured up the outfit or if she had.

“You’ve thought about our last conversation,” he said, leaning against the railing.

“Who wouldn’t? You basically told me that Scott has to stop the end of the world by killing the devil.” She leaned next to him.

He chuckled. “That’s putting it simply.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Then please unsimplify it for me.” She waved her hand.

His eyes ran over her. “Before the year’s end, Scott Logan will wake Moros, also known as the morning star or Phosphorus, Lucifer, and, in some cultures, Hades.”

“Okay.” Selene started pacing the balcony. “Why? Why him?”

Lucas sighed. “Because he is yours. Because he comes from the same place.”

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal