Page 26 of The Beyond

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Selene was looking at him as if waiting for him to fill her in on what had just happened.

“Cool trick,” he said, squeezing Selene’s hand under the table.

“What else can you do?” Mia asked.

“Besides bending light and controlling fire, I can’t be hurt. I’m ridiculously strong. Oh, and I can fly,” she finished with a smile.

Mia was quiet for a moment. “Wow, okay, that’s more than I’ve got. Stopping time and shapeshifting into a dog—that’s pretty much it.”

“You mentioned something about your family. Are there any others like you?” Scott asked her.

“Nope. One lucky family member at a time gets to hold the gift.” She shrugged. “Usually, it’s the oldest child, but after my brother died when he was five, I was granted the powers.”

“So it runs in your family?” Selene asked. Her eyes narrowed slightly as if she was thinking.

“Yup, it has for more generations than I can count. We’re the stuff legends are made of.” She shrugged softly. “There has been folklore about my family since before the Ming dynasty.”

“That’s… cool.” Selene smiled. “Plus, the whole shapeshifter thing.”

“Oh please.” Mia smiled. “You can fly.”

“Yeah, but the chances of someone seeing me makes that gift practically useless.” Selene glanced at him briefly.

“Do your powers run in your family?” Mia asked, curious.

“I have a sister who can pretty much do what I do, but she is light, not darkness. My brother…” Selene frowned. “I just found out about him. Other than one power, I have no clue what he can do.”

Mia sipped her coffee. “You and Scott…” She nodded between them.

“We grew up together,” he said suddenly, then he picked up Selene’s hand and showed Mia. “This is a recent progression.”

Mia smiled. “You two look good together. I have a knack for spotting love matches.”

He felt Selene’s hand tense in his.

“There are more of us. I mean, people with powers. We’re heading back to Hidden Creek tomorrow.”

“Hidden Creek?” Mia frowned. “I read the newspaper articles a while back. I was pretty sure it was all fake. You know how these kinds of things can be exploited and embellished for profit.”

“It’s true. The group is led by Xtina. I can vouch for the power there. My sister Tara is there.” Selene smiled.

“I may have to make a trip there myself soon.” Mia nodded.

“Just how long can you halt time for?” Scott asked Mia.

Mia glanced around. “Normally, about half an hour at a time. How long will you be staying with Scott?” she asked Selene, who glanced his direction.

“A few nights. Then we’ll head back to get her settled in Hidden Creek,” he answered easily. He wanted—no, needed—some time with her.

Suddenly, everything started moving again. The noise in the coffee shop was almost deafening.

“Yup, about half an hour,” Mia said with a smile. “I’d like to time it, but…” She held up her watch. “There’s no way to.”

Scott glanced at his phone and realized Mia’s watch showed the same time as his phone.

“That makes me wonder if the Earth stops rotating,” he said out loud.

“It does. Everything stops. I can move a few things, but outside of…”—she motioned to her coffee mug—“everything else stays put. I once tried to drive a car. The engine was stopped, and it wouldn’t budge. I can ride a bike though.”

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal