Page 14 of The Beyond

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“We made a bargain with them. A sleeping god in exchange for the two of you,” Jess answered. “For now.”

“Why us?” Selene asked.

“Yin and yang,” Liz answered. “Lightness.” She motioned towards Tara. “And darkness.” She nodded towards Selene. “The same reason the two of you are more powerful together than apart. You are balance.”

Scott ran his eyes over Tara. He could easily see that the woman was Selene’s complete opposite. Had this group of strangers really just vanquished two gods, as they claimed they had? Whatever had just happened, he needed time alone with Selene to figure it out. To see how much she knew about these people and how much she trusted them.

“What about you?” Xtina asked Selene. “Your parents mentioned that the two of you”—she glanced at Tara as well—“would have more battles. Will you stick around here? Let us help you through whatever is coming?”

Selene glanced over at him. He stared back at her as if not understanding the question.

“I… have some loose ends to tie up first,” Selene said, turning away from him. “If there’s a place for me here…”

“We’re moving into a two-bedroom apartment tomorrow,” Tara jumped in.

“And opening a restaurant. If you need a job?” Colt offered.

“Then I suppose I’ll be back after,” Selene answered slowly, totally surprising him.

He frowned at that. Was she really willing to move here? To be close to these people she’d known for only a handful of hours. Why?

Selene turned to another woman and asked, “If you can see ahead, is that the right choice?”

“It is.” The woman turned to him. “For the both of you.”

Scott tensed. Were they trying to tell him that he was going to move here? Why? His life was in Atlanta. What the hell would he do in Hidden Creek?

“Thanks,” Selene said with a nod. “I think I’ll take Scott back to Atlanta.”

Selene stood up and walked to the door, and Scott followed her. He wanted to get out of there. Needed to talk to her alone.

“It was… interesting meeting everyone,” Scott said, and then he followed Selene outside.

Instead of heading to her car right away, she stood on the porch and wrapped her arms around herself. She was still wearing pretty much the same outfit that she’d worn the other day—dark pants, a band T-shirt, and a leather jacket.

He stood next to her and waited for her to start explaining what in the hell had just happened to him. To her. Just who those people were inside and why they seemed to mean a lot to her suddenly.

When she took a deep breath and reached for his hand, he took it and followed her to her car. The moment she started driving away, she finally spoke.

“I’m sorry you got dragged into this. Were you in a meeting?” she asked, glancing over at him.

It was then that he realized he was still in his suit. Hell, he hadn’t even changed.

“I had just gotten home. I was coming after you,” he admitted.

She jerked her head towards him. “Dressed like that?”

“No, I… I requested the next week off. I was going to leave when I got home.”

“It’s after midnight,” she pointed out.

“Yeah, I had a… job.” He shook his head.

She was quiet for a moment. “So you finished your job first and then you were going to drive to Hidden Creek after midnight?” she asked slowly.



Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal