Page 15 of The Beyond

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“Because you wouldn’t return my damn text messages or calls,” he said, getting slightly frustrated.

Instead of pointing the car out of town, she pulled into a parking lot of a hotel. When she parked, he expected her to explain that she was just getting her things. Instead, she turned off the car and turned to him.

“Do you mind crashing here with me tonight? I’m far too tired to drive for a couple hours.”

He realized that she did look drained. Normally, she had more energy than anyone he’d ever known. All her life she was like a bubble bouncing around. Now, she looked as if her eyes were on the verge of closing.

“Sure,” he said, wishing he had anything of his own. His cell phone was back in his apartment right next to his wallet and keys, which he’d set on the table by his entryway when he’d gotten home.

He followed her into her hotel room, figuring he could shut down for a few hours himself. He had a lot of questions, but it was a long ride back to Atlanta and he’d have plenty of time to ask.

It wasn’t until she shut the door behind him that he remembered the last time they’d slept under the same roof.

It had been a year ago, when she’d shown up in the middle of the night at his place during a storm. All those feelings he’d had for her had consumed him.

It had taken all of his strength to make that simple move the night of her sixteenth birthday. Even though it was just a kiss, there were no words to express what it had meant to him. What it still did. Since the rejection of that night, he’d promised himself he would never allow his feelings for her to get the better of him again.

“The moon was falling,” Selene had said when he’d opened the door to her.

She had looked sexy as hell with the wet T-shirt she was wearing clinging to her curves. Her long dark hair was in a braid, lying over her shoulder. He wanted to feel all of it tangled in his fingers as he pushed his tongue into her. As he pushed into her. To feel her warm skin next to his. “Falling?” he had asked.

She had wrapped her arms around herself and looked more scared than he’d seen her before. That vulnerability almost broke him. “Yes, it was… massive. It was heading directly towards me. I… felt its power growing in me. It was…” Her eyes closed.

In all his years of knowing her, he’d never remembered seeing her so frightened. He had pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her, only meaning to soothe her. But then she’d shocked him by reaching up, cupping his face, and laying her lips hungrily over his. It was like a shot of adrenaline. The instant pull. The want. Everything that had been dormant burst free.

How long had he hidden it from her?

“Selene,” he said, trying to grasp anything normal. It would always be as if his head was in the clouds, as if he had no control, when she was around.

“Scott, for tonight, let’s live as if there’s no tomorrow,” she said, looking up at him as tears slipped from her eyes. “Because I’m not too sure there will be. Please.” She’d reached up and kissed him again, her lips hungrily moving over his.

He had been powerless to deny her, mainly since he’d wanted this for as long as he could remember. That first kiss on her sixteenth birthday had rocked him. Until she’d pushed away from him and looked as if she’d just seen a ghost.

Now, however, she was plastering her body next to his while her hands ran over his skin. He’d answered the door in nothing but boxer briefs, while she remained fully clothed in a wet T-shirt and jeans.

“Selene,” he groaned when her fingernails scraped against his skin as she lowered her hand to his stomach.

“I’ve wanted to do this for years,” she said against his neck. Then she ran her lips down his chest, licking his skin as she went.

Damn it, he was losing control, and she was dragging him under. Then she jerked away and in a quick motion, removed her wet shirt and toed off her boots. When she reached for the zipper of her jeans, he stopped her.

His mouth had watered during her quick striptease, but there was no way he was going to let her just strip naked. Not yet at any rate.

Taking her hands, he led her through the mess of his living room and into his bedroom. Here, at least, there was some sense of cleanliness.

When he ran a fingertip gently over the rise of her breast, she moaned and threw her head back. She responded so amazingly to him, he had to have more.

He dipped a finger under the black lace of her bra and saw her eyes darken when he circled her nipple. Her skin was so soft and milky white, he had to dip his head for a taste.

“You taste as good as you look,” he’d said against her nipple, then he’d sucked it deep into his mouth.

“My god,” she’d moaned, tangling her fingers in his hair as he removed her bra completely. “I’ve always loved your curly hair,” she said, holding him against her chest.

“I’ve always loved your jet-black hair.” He reached up and pulled the hair scrunchy he’d given her on her sixteenth birthday from her hair. She put it on her wrist, then smiled as he undid the braid.

She stood in front of him in black jeans, her long dark hair flowing down to her waist, slightly covering her perfect breasts, and he knew she was exactly what she’d claimed she was all her life. She was a goddess.

Without another word, he’d walked to her and stripped her jeans off her body, which took longer than he’d hoped, since they were still wet from the rain. Then he tore off her black silk panties and buried his face into her pussy as she cried out and exploded against his mouth.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal