Page 13 of The Beyond

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That must be Selene’s sister, Scott thought vaguely as he sat up. He’d worried that his suit would be ruined from the water at the base of the silo. Instead, it was dry and clean as if he hadn’t been lying on the dirty ground moments earlier.

“Hell, if I know,” someone said.

“Tara?” Selene asked, sitting up herself. “Did we win?”

“We did,” another woman answered. “You might want to go try and explain to your friend why he’s in Hidden Creek instead of Atlanta.” The woman motioned towards him.

Selene’s gaze moved towards him, and her eyes opened wide for a moment before she frowned.

“Scott? How…” she started to ask. “What happened?”

“I’m tired,” a dark-haired woman said, getting everyone’s attention. “Why don’t we head back to our place and fill everyone in on how we bargained to save the world?” Scott thought he heard her mumble, “This time,” under her breath.

Selene made her way over to him and took his hand in hers, as if willing him to not run away.

He figured he’d stick around and hear what the hell had just happened to him.

From what he could figure out during the trek back to a large plantation-style home was that he was now in Hidden Creek.

Selene didn’t say anything to him, but the looks she was giving him assured him that she felt comfortable here. He’d never seen her like this before—comfortable around a group of people.

Introductions were made quickly, and he tried to keep who was who clear in his mind.

“What do you remember?” the guy named Colt asked. He was apparently with Tara, Selene’s sister.

“The three of us were standing in the field together. Then Selene and I mentioned that something didn’t feel right. The next thing I remember, you were standing over us,” Tara explained.

“That’s it?” Colt asked her.

“What happened?” Tara asked.

He sort of tuned out as they all chatted and told their stories. That was until he heard one of the women speak up.

“The witch trumps a god every time,” the woman named Jess said with a smile.

Witch? Was she saying she was a witch?

“My wife came up with the plan to call the… your parents. We all knew they were both going to double-cross you,” Jacob said.

“It was sort of obvious. You can’t trust a god. Ever,” Joleen added. “So while Brea brought Colt to the silo, Joe went and got Scott here.” She motioned towards him, and everyone turned to look at him as if they had just realized he was standing there, in the corner of the room, listening in on the very strange conversation.

“Who are…” Colt asked him.

“Scott Logan,” Scott supplied, unsure of what else to say.

“My… a friend,” Selene added, putting a hand on his arm.

“We grew up together,” Scott added, needing to clarify for some odd reason. He’d stopped thinking of Selene as his sister that night almost a year ago when… he stopped the memory from coming and tried to focus on the now.

“I knew that the only way to call on the gods was to pull the two of you, Tara and Selene, from them. The spell I used to do that needed the people closest to the two of you,” Jess supplied.

“What happened?” Selene asked.

“Your parents came. They overtook you and were prepared to drag you away to consume your… well, you, I guess.” Liz shrugged. “No matter what future I saw, I knew that if they took you, everything would end. Whether in darkness or in light, every world in existence was doomed.”

“So we rescued you,” Xtina added.

“How?” Tara asked.

Tags: Jill Sanders Paranormal