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They grunted and groaned together. Traveling as one. Racing to the summit of their joining. Desperate to get there. Desperate for each other.

She felt the pressure building, expanding, beckoning. Shehadto get there. Nothing could stop them now.

It hit her like an earthquake, shaking her to her core, rattling her in a way she’d never experienced. The shudder gripped her low in her belly and spread out through her body in rhythmic clenches.

She broke apart, shattered as sure as glass dropped on concrete. Gasping, she fell forward, her forehead bumping against his. Her entire body instantly limp and quivering. The same thing was happening to him, she could feel his own reaction inside of her. He let out a cry. Her name. Jazzy.

“Wh-what was that?” she stammered.

His laugh was hoarse and happy.

“I’m not kidding,” she said. “What wasthatfeeling?”

“You never felt that before?” He looked confused.

Jazzy shook her head. “Nothing like that. I mean I’ve come close. I’ve had some pleasant sensations. But never that kind of soul-wringing release. What was it?”

“That, my love, was an orgasm.”

“Nooo.” An orgasm? All this time she’d thought she’d been having them, but boy had she been wrong. She couldn’t wait to do this again.

“Yes.” He nodded and looked just the teeniest bit smug. “Are you telling me that’s your first one?”

Chapter 21

Yawning blissfully, Jazzy curled into Roan’s side and promptly fell asleep. Her sweet scent, combined with the musky smell of their sex, tickled his nose.

Nothing had prepared him for the tender feelings churning inside him. He wanted to tell her to hell with being her rebound man. Yell from the rooftops that he wanted more. A lot more. But he had no right to ask that of her. Even if she didn’t realize it, her emotions lay tangled up with Danny and if Roan told her how he felt, it would only confuse her. If she chose him out of confusion, he’d always wonder if she’d picked him for himself or because he’d given Jazzy her first orgasm.

Ah damn, this was getting complicated.

A hollow ache dug into his chest, but he ignored it. He’d known what he was getting into when he’d started something up with her. Known it was temporary. He was going to milk this for every bit of enjoyment he could get and give her pleasure in return. After all, he was an old hand at letting go. This fling was a growth opportunityfor them both and that’s the only way he’d allow himself to see it.

Jazzy’s optimism had rubbed off on him. Any time with her was a good time. He wouldn’t get greedy and long for a commitment she was much too young to give. He should know. He’d gotten married at her age. Claire had been twenty-two. And while things had eventually worked out, they’d had some tumultuous early years. Honestly, they’d been too young for marriage and it could easily have gone in the opposite direction.

He glanced down to see the top of her blond head resting on his shoulder. He could feel her breathing, the long, steady intake of air, the rise and fall of her chest against his. Jealous of her easy sleep, Roan closed his eyes and tried to stop thinking.

But his eyes felt dry and itchy, the way they did when he unloaded hay from the tractor. He massaged both eyelids simultaneously with his thumb and middle finger. Breaking things off with her would be tough, but he didn’t have to do it now.

Her eyelids flickered as if she were in REM sleep, dreaming, he hoped, of him. She made a soft noise and burrowed closer. He couldn’t resist wrapping one arm around her, savoring the heat from her lush body warming him. He wanted to swaddle her in a cocoon of love and keep her safe from the dark side of the world.

It wasn’t his place to protect her. They weren’t in a committed relationship. But damn if the urge didn’t swell and press against his heart until Roan found it difficult to catch his breath.

In too deep.

He was in too deep and he didn’t know how to back out of this without hurting them both.

“Roan,” she murmured.

“You awake?”

“Uh-huh,” she said lazily and traced a finger in the whorl of hair between his nipples. “Sorry I dozed off on you.”

“I enjoy watching you sleep,” he said, toying with her hair. “It’s good you’re getting some rest. How’s your arm?”

She held up her left arm for him to see. “Just fine.”

“All our rolling around in the sheets didn’t get the pain stirred up?”

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance