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“I was too busy enjoying the pleasure to notice any pain. You turned my world upside down, Mr. Sullivan. You’re amazing.”

Her compliment turned him inside out and left him with a desire to give her nothing but pleasure and all the joy he could muster. He kissed the top of her head and curled his arm around her shoulder, letting her know he was as amazed as she.

With his fingertips, he gently massaged her scalp and her soft moan rewarded him. Each caress stirred her scent, the delicious feminine aroma he’d come to associate with Jazzy. The fragrance embedded, evermore imprinting into his memory banks. He would never forget this moment.

Her silky hair was soft and fine. He loved how it felt slipping through his fingers. She shivered against him and whimpered, signaling his touch was arousing her all over again.

It had been so long since he’d had intimacylike this, and he’d missed the physical connection something fierce. He’d forgotten just how much snuggling and cuddling could rejuvenate a man. Sex, too, of course, but he enjoyed the aftermath as much as the act. Claire had said he was a unicorn among men, but he thought maybe that wasn’t so true. Guys liked tenderness too. Some of them just didn’t know how to show it.

He feared he’d lost the ability to connect in his anger and grief over losing his wife, but Jazzy had gifted her mind, body, and sparkling personality, waking him up, bringing him back to himself. What a beautiful present. He’d become a shell of a man, kicked in the teeth by life, putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward because he had to for his daughter. Then here was Jazzy, innocent as the first blush of spring after a hard winter. Breathing life into him, coaxing him to believe in grace and goodness again. She’d refilled and refreshed him in a way he thought long out of his reach. Brought light and happiness with her.

Staggered by the depth of his feelings for her, Roan shifted Jazzy around so he could have access to her delectable mouth, and he kissed her with such a rush of gratitude and thanksgiving that it left him breathless. Every fiber in his body pulsed with the need to tell her he loved her, but he couldn’t do it. She was in his life for only a short time. He was the rebound guy. Saying he loved her would make it much harder to break up with her.

So instead of talking, he used his tongue to rouse her again and soon, he was reaching for another condom.

Their second time was softer, longer, more intentional. He lingered on spots, fully getting to know her body. Aware of how little time they had together and wanting to maximize it. Roan had lived long enough to understand life was short and you had to grab the good times while you could.

Finally, when they’d worked each other into fevered urgency, she arched her hips against him, dropped open her legs, and let him in. Her body was warm and wet and welcoming and Roan slipped right on inside.

Gasping, she locked her legs around his waist and tugged him in deeper. He wriggled his hips and found a solid fit. The two of them, one now. She hissed in her breath.

“You okay?” he asked, worried he’d hurt her.

“Absolutely fine. Keep wiggling those hips, cowboy. Yeehaw.” Her enthusiasm fed his as she egged him on.

They moved as one, chasing the peak. The candlelight threw their shadows onto the wall and it was erotic watching their silhouettes. They changed positions, several times, trying out different styles and being careful not to hurt Jazzy’s arm. His favorites were when they were face-to-face and peering into each other. Looking into her eyes as he moved over her body or she moved over him nourished their intimacy. For a long, good time they sated themselves with a consistent tempo that carried them higher and higher toward the pinnacle of their joining.

When Roan couldn’t stand the pressure any longer, he stared into her bewitching blue eyes to see his own reflection there. He saw a man on theverge of falling wildly in love. A man tottering on the brink of losing his heart.

A groan pushed from his throat, ragged and hoarse.

A corresponding moan slipped from Jazzy.

They clasped each other. Called each other’s name. They clung like shipwreck survivors to a life raft.

Together, they came apart. Shuddered with the release. Safe in each other’s arms.

Then Roan felt Jazzy’s warm tears on his skin. “What is it?” he asked, alarmed. “I hurt you. It’s your arm, isn’t it? I knew we shouldn’t have done this.”

“No, no. Please believe me. I’m fine.”

“What is it, then? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

She nodded. “Don’t worry. They’re happy tears.”

“Why are you so happy that you’re crying?” He sat up and reached over to flick her tears away with his thumb.

“Because I felt it twice!”

“Your second orgasm?”

“Uh-huh.” She smiled up into his face. “I can’t believe what I’ve been missing all this time. Thank you, Roan, for such a precious gift.”

They slept in each other’s arms and woke not long after dawn. Jazzy opened her eyes to find she was face-to-face with her lover. She watched him sleep for a bit before he roused and grinned at her.

She couldn’t believe he was here in her house, in her bed. How had she gotten so lucky to landsuch an amazing man?No putting the cart before the horse, she scolded herself.It’s still too soon for that.

“Want to cook breakfast together?” he asked.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance