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Roan’s kiss took her to a place where she’d never been before. A place that drove all her attention to the physicality of him. Everything was him. The sight of his honed muscles, the taste of his masculinity, the smell of pure cowboy. Her body tingled in response and everywhere he touched, with his lips and his hands, she caught fire.

He was careful to avoid brushing against herbandaged left arm and she admired how he was able to be both cautious and wild. A single father and yet at the same time a very sexy man.

She sank against him and closed her eyes. He kissed her forehead, his lips warm and firm. He moved down the bridge of her nose, to her eyelids, first one, and then the other. From there he moved to the tip of her nose and then to her mouth again. It felt as if he’d always belonged there and had finally come home.

“I can’t take much more of this,” she panted, pulling back and looking up into his eyes. “I want you. I need you. Take me,please.”

He slipped her robe from her shoulders and let it drift to the floor, wrapped his arms around her, scooped her up, and carried her to the bed. She felt special in his embrace. Cherished. Treasured.

“Now, please.”

“You got it.” Roan took control. Not the least bit hesitant. Joining her on the bed and pulling her down on top of him. His hot mouth in charge.

His aggressiveness didn’t frighten her. Not one little bit. She knew she was safe with him and met his forcefulness in kind. She trusted him completely. No more doubts or fears.

They went at each other like animals, clutching and clawing, nipping, and nibbling. She was straddling him, each leg over his washboard waist. He took hold of her hair and tugged lightly, pulling her head back as he looked up at her, his long dark lashes softening the angular geometry of his face. His eyes, the color of Swiss chocolate, searching her.

He looked so handsome, a man in his virile prime. She wriggled with delight that he was hers. He was her man. And she was his woman. They belonged together. It was too soon to say it out loud, but she knew it in the depth of her heart, from the bottom of her soul. It was unsettling this certainty and at the same time rapturous.

Roan lowered his eyelids, and in that moment, he looked a little confused and vulnerable. As if he had just realized she had the power to shatter him like fragile glass. His expression shook her to the core. She could hurt him, more than he could hurt her. He’d loved and lost before. He’d walked a hard road. He was trusting her. Jazzy would do her best to not cause him pain.

Her heart turned to mush. This was no small thing. No insignificant joining. They were embarking on an important journey together.

Gently, he raised up on his elbows and leaned forward to capture one of her breasts in his mouth. The sensation derailed her, stirred her, made her ache for more. He knew just what to do and how to do it. The promise of happily-ever-after dangled in front of her like a carrot.

He moved from her achy nipple to the other one, stroking his tongue over her skin until she whimpered, helpless and hungry. He was looking at her again, his eyes on her face, watching her emotions play over her features. She could see her reflection in his eyes and was shocked by what she saw. A young woman, open and ready and vulnerable.

Roan shifted, sitting up tall in the bed, his back against the headboard. Jazzy in his lap now, herbottom against his hard erection. He wrapped his legs around her, pulling her closer. It wouldn’t take much for him to slip inside her.

How she wanted him inside her!

She heard the crinkle of foil wrapper and wondered vaguely where he’d hidden the condom. It didn’t matter. He was rolling it on.

Locked her leg around his waist, stared deeply into his eyes, felt herself falling as if she’d dived off a cliff into a cool, still pool of deep water.

It seemed impossible to look away. Their gazes locked. Welded. She could see his emotions play across his face—desire, trepidation, excitement, worry. Reaching up, she pressed the pad of her thumb between his eyebrows, ironing out the frown wrinkling there.

“It’s going to be all right,” she whispered, “it’s all going to be okay. You and me? We were meant to be.”

As soon as she said it, Jazzy started fretting. Had she overstepped boundaries? Had she jumped to conclusions? Was she building castles in the air? Had she assumed too much, too soon?

But no. He smiled, such a gleeful smile, it triggered her own grin and she was out of her head and right back into the moment. Right back into her body and the sweet blissful sensations Roan stirred inside her.

His hands were all over her and hers were all over him and man, oh man, did it feel good. Their mouths explored. She tasted him, salty and at the same time sweet. Kettle corn, she thought and laughed out loud. He increased the pressure, as he navigatedher lips, her chin, the underside of her throat, her breasts, her belly, the tender spot between her legs.

She moaned and whimpered, giggled, and sighed. So many sensations coming at her from all sides.

“You feeling all right?” he asked.

“Never better. Don’t stop.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He kissed swirly circles of heat over her skin. Her body incredibly sensitive, raw, and ready. So ready for him.

“Please, please, I have to have you now!”

He made a guttural sound, more like an animal than a man. Lifted her up, and then tugged her down on his rock-hard erection. She rode him fierce and fast. His hands clamped around her waist and he held her in place as she pumped against him.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance