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“Does it bother you?” It did worry him a bit. Their different phases of life. Roan in the settled and secure phase, Jazzy exploring and searching for what she wanted from life.

“Not in the least,” she said.

“So, I won’t worry about our age gap if you don’t worry about disappointing me.”

“Deal,” she said. “Now that we have that squared away, I have an assignment for you.”


“After you get the condoms, hang out in the bathroom a few minutes.”


“I want to get the room ready.”


“I want to make this special. I want to set the scene.”

“It’s not necessary.”

“Still,” she said. “I want to do this up right.”

“Okay,” he said. “This is your place, your show. I’ll let you set it anyway you want.”

The door opened a crack, and Roan poked his head in. “Ready?”

“Ready.” She crooked a finger, inviting him to enter.

He came into the room naked, his bare chest a sight to behold. Jazzy lost her breath. This man was magnificent, and she was about to make love to him. She felt tremulous and a little dizzy. The moment had come.

His gaze was on her face and his eyes glistened in the light flickering candles. “You put on a robe.”

“Just so you could take it off.” Her voice came out high and light.

“Unwrap you like a Christmas present?”


He came toward her, the wooden floor creaking beneath his weight. His eyes like lasers, burning her. Her heart rate sped up, kicking into a gallop. She couldn’t recall ever being this excited.

“I thought you ran out on me,” she confessed.

“I almost did,” he admitted.


“Because I want you too damn much.”

“And that’s bad?”

“It makes me feel out of control.”

“Me too. You’re not alone. We’re in this together.”

His rough masculine fingers went to the tie holding her robe together and slowly, he undid the sash, exposing her bare breasts and belly.

He lowered his head then, fitting his mouth over hers. His kiss was insistent, intense, much different than the soft, gentle kisses he’d given her up until now. There was a power behind this kiss. Electricity. Danger. She thrilled to the sensation.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance