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She grasped it and he gently tugged her from the bed. They stood naked in front of each other, grinning. This was getting addictive. She wouldn’tmind having this view every day for the rest of her life.

Gloriously naked and unabashed, Roan guided her into the bathroom and helped her change the bandage. The wound was blistered and red, but it didn’t look infected.

“I hate that you got burned,” he said.

“It’s all my fault.”

“If I hadn’t gotten scared and cut off our lessons, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“You don’t know that. The accident was all mine.”

“Still, I can’t help feeling like I could have stopped it from happening if I’d been there.”

“You’re not a superman, fella, and no one expects you to be.”

“Holding myself to too high of a standard?” he asked with a wry smile.

“Exactly. You’re human. It’s okay to be less than perfect.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind.” He kissed her forehead and the sweet brush of his lips lit her up inside all over again. “But I’m not going to apologize for wanting to keep you safe.”

Oh heavens, he’d hooked her.

She splayed her palm over his heart and peered deeply into his eyes. “You have enough responsibilities without taking on my safety. I can take care of myself, Roan.”

“And I adore that about you. How independent you are while at the same time being so communal and caring. It’s a rare combo.”

“Roan,” she said, gathering the courage tobroach the topic that had been on her mind all day. “I want more than just a casual fling. I know I told you I was good with it, but inside . . .” She placed both palms over her own heart now. “My feelings for you are growing. I know that scares you. It scares me too, but some things are worth taking a risk over. You’re worth the risk and I hope you feel the same way.”

He looked at her with such gentleness she was certain he was going to say, yes, he agreed, and her heart clutched.

Instead, he smiled wistfully and said, “Let’s just enjoy the moment, okay? We don’t need labels.”

She struggled to keep up a happy smile, but he’d struck a blow to her fantasies. Maybe there was a reason he’d wanted to be nothing more than a rebound man. Maybe he wasn’t as all-in as she was.

“Right?” He arched his eyebrows.

“Absolutely. Living in the moment is what we should all strive to do.”

He kissed her again, but it held less promise than his earlier kisses and she couldn’t help feeling he was pulling away.

“The sun’s out and the ice is melting. It’s time I picked up Trinity and headed home.”

“Yes, yes.” She bobbed her head. “Go get your girl.”

“Thanks for being so understanding.” He strolled back to the bedroom.

She followed him, wrapping her bathrobe around her, and watched him dress. “Will you come to the semifinals?”

“Of course,” he said, buttoning up his shirt.“But we’ve only got six more days to find you another recipe and hone your campfire skills. I’ll see if Rio can keep an eye on Trinity. That way we can spend the entire day tomorrow at my house, baking over the firepit.”

“You mean it?”

“I wouldn’t abandon you now, Rainbow.” He chucked her under the chin. “See you tomorrow. Say ninea.m.?”

“Perfect.” She folded her arms across her chest, unable to stop watching him. Mesmerized by the way he moved. A man fully in control of his fate.

He put on his boots and she followed him to the front door where he retrieved his Stetson from the hat rack and settled it on his head. She felt pulled like warm taffy. On the one hand, he kept telling her they should keep their relationship light, but on the other hand, he acted like they were a real couple. It messed with her emotions. She didn’t know what to believe. His words or his actions.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance