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Just freaking live in the moment, Jazzy. Just be.

Wonderful advice. But how did she do that when all she wanted was a happily-ever-after with Roan?

Chapter 23

Jazzy prepared for the biggest competition of her life.

For the remaining days leading up to the challenge, she and Roan spent their time searching for a second cookie recipe to use for the semifinals. After testing out ten, they settled on Claire’s recipe for Pecan Delights. Jazzy felt a little weird about competing with his late wife’s recipe, but after they altered it and perfected the baked goods, she decided the end result was almost as good as the Chocolate-Gingermint Roanies.

In between the intense baking, they took a few breaks to have some Christmas fun and went ice skating on Sunday with Trinity and Roan’s family and had the best time. Monday, they joined carolers on the Pediatric Ward. On Tuesday, they did some last-minute shopping while Rio babysat Trinity. Afterward, Roan and Jazzy grabbed a meal at Pasta Pappa’s.

As they were leaving the restaurant, they ran into Danny and Andi.

“Ready to have your ass handed to you on a cookie plate, Walker?” Andi taunted.

Jazzy smiled sweetly. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“It’s so adorable you think you can beat me.” Andi fluttered her lashes.

“Andi,” Danny said and took hold of Andi’s elbow. “Let’s go eat.”

Jazzy’s eyes met Danny’s. He looked apologetic.

“Y’all have a nice evening.” Roan tipped his Stetson.

“See you on Thursday,” Andi called over her shoulder as Danny dragged her into the restaurant. “For your trouncing.”

“You’ve got to beat her,” Roan said as he guided Jazzy over the uneven sidewalk on the way to his truck. “That woman is begging for a comeuppance. I can’t believe how she treats you. I want to read her the riot act. I have to remind myself this is your battle, not mine.”

“I think she’s really sad,” Jazzy mused. All this time, she’d been focusing on how pitiful she felt whenever she lost out to Andi. Until now, she hadn’t even considered what was behind Andi’s antagonism. “I feel sorry for her.”

“Even though she stole your boyfriend?” Roan asked.

“I feel sorry for Danny too. They seem miserable together.” Jazzy paused underneath a streetlamp as Christmas music filled the air. “I hate that for them. I wish they could be happy.” She looked into Roan’s face, felt the same thrill she did whenever she was near him. “The way we are.”

“You’re a good person, Jazzy Walker,” Roan said and kissed her.

They hadn’t had sex since the ice storm, and she could feel the longing in his lips. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. She missed having sex with him, but neither one of them thought it was a good idea to have sex with Trinity in the house. Not as long as they were keeping things casual. They didn’t want to confuse the child.

But tonight, Trinity was with Rio.

“My house is just a few blocks away,” Jazzy said breathlessly. “Do you want to—”

“God, yes,” he said.

Laughing, they ran all the way to her house and had a quickie before Roan had to pick up his daughter.

“Baking tomorrow?” Jazzy asked as Roan dressed.

Roan shook his head. “Not the day before the competition. You need to rest and clear your mind. I’ll come by on Thursday morning and help you pack everything up.”

She cupped his cheek. “How did I get so lucky?”

“You took a chance on a sad-sack cowboy and brought him back to life.” Then Roan kissed her again while Sabrina sat on the end of the bed, watching.

“Your cat is a perv,” he said.

“Hey, this is her house.” Jazzy laughed.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance