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“Just curious.”

“I love how resilient you are. You’ve come through so much. You’re a survivor, Roan. I appreciate your patience, your honesty, and how amazing your butt looks in Wranglers.”

“Ahh,” he said. “We’re down to the truth of it. You want me for my hot bod.”

She tickled him lightly in the ribs and he smiled at her.

“Keep that up and we’ll be headed for orgasm number five.”

“Is that a dare?”

“An idle threat. Sexy as you are, Rainbow, I need a little recovery time. I’m not as young as I used to be.”

“Oh, hush up on that. You know your way around a woman’s body. Age is wisdom.”

“Not always. Some people keep making the same mistakes over and over.”

“But not you.”

“I try to learn from my flubs, but I’m not always successful.”

“See, another thing I admire about you. You strive to be a better person.”

“I admire how much you admire people. You’ve got a gift of always looking on the bright side.”

“I take slams for that sometimes,” she said. “I’ve been accused of toxic positivity a time or two.”

“I’m guessing by killjoys.”

“Mostly.” She laughed.

“Forget those naysayers,” he said. “There’s nothing toxic about you, Rainbow.”

“You didn’t tell me what your perfect day was,” she said.

“I’m doing it.”

“No, really. What does a perfect day look like for you?”

“Being with someone I lo—er, care about.”

Had he almost said “love”? Jazzy’s heart pounded, and her mouth went dry. It was far too soon in their relationship to be throwing around words likelove, but darn if her feelings for Roan weren’t rapidly expanding. She looked at him.

He’d closed his eyes and his lips pressed tightly together.

She cupped his cheek in her palm and softly kissed him. “I agree,” she whispered. “This has been a perfect day. We invented Chocolate-Gingermint Roanies.”

“Yeah,” he said, sounding husky. “We created something special together.”

The way he was looking at her told Jazzy he wasn’t talking about the cookies. They’d created much more than a twist on a traditional pastry. They’d carved out a new relationship. It felt heady and scary. She wanted to be with him. Yearned for this feeling to go on and on and on, but she was too nervous to hope for much. This was still so new, so fresh.

And it was moving pretty fast.

Maybe too fast?

Jazzy gulped. Okay, she was infatuated with Roan. Very. But could it grow into something more? Or should she just be satisfied with living in the moment?

Roan got out of bed, exposing her to a wonderful view of his sculpted body and extended his hand to her.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance