Page 61 of Beast

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I opened my eyes and forced myself to look at Harley. The dog sat obediently at Tim’s feet, his gaze focused on me, and his ears pricked forward. He let out a soft whine. If I were a dog person, I would have to say that Harley was an attractive, regal-looking animal, his coat a shiny charcoal gray. But he was large. Intimidating. With sharp jaws.

I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply.

“Harley likes you,” Annika pointed out. “That’s why he gets so excited whenever he sees you.”

Harley whined again, his tail thumping against the floor in his excitement.

Annika’s words came back to me then.

Think of something that makes you feel good.

That was easy. Closing my eyes again, I settled back on the couch, picturing Annika in my mind, her stunning blue eyes, her soft-looking lips, her small, feminine hands, her gentle voice…and then my thoughts turned erotic as I imagined our bodies intimately entwined, skin against skin. That made me feel good. So good that my jeans tightened. It was working. I wasn’t thinking about the dog. Instead, I was thinking inappropriate thoughts about Annika. Thoughts that might get me killed if I ever acted on them.

I jerked my eyes open to see Harley sitting on the floor next to my left leg with Tim standing behind him, holding onto his leash.

Shit.My heart slammed into my ribs. When had that happened? How had I not heard his approach?

You were lost in your fantasies about Annika.

“You okay, Adrik?”

I jerked my gaze to Annika, who hadn’t moved, her knees still brushing mine. She reached out, squeezing my hand.

I nodded, my face burning.

“Did it work? Did you think of something that made you feel good?”

My face grew even hotter. “Yeah.”You. Naked. In my arms.

“Want to share those thoughts?”

“No,” I blurted, heat scalding my face.Hell, no.

Tim snorted out a laugh.

I jerked my gaze to his, and the knowing look in his eyes told me he knew exactly what I’d been thinking of.

Harley whined, his tail thumping against the floor.

“You can pet him, if you want,” Annika encouraged gently. She wheeled her chair back a few feet, giving me and Harley room. “Or Timofey can take him away if this is too much for you.”

I focused on Harley again. The moment our gazes connected, the dog’s tail wagged faster, thumping the floor. He tried to leap toward me, but thankfully, Tim held him firm.


Harley whined, but stayed where he was, eyeing me eagerly.

Why did the damn dog like me so much?

He doesn’t mind your scars.

I reached out and cautiously petted his head, telling myself over and over,it’s just Harley, it’s just Harley.

Harley pushed his head into my hand, demanding more.

I laughed. “You’re pushy, boy.”

His tongue swept out, swiping over my arm.Slurp.

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance