Page 51 of My Best Chance

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I was grateful he was giving me space because if he asked to join me in the shower, there was no way I’d be able to resist him.

Stepping into the bathroom, I couldn’t believe Ryan was in my house, cooking eggs. It had to mean something; I just wasn’t sure what.

I turned on the water, waiting for it to heat, and moved under the stream. The steady pressure felt good on my muscles.

Ryan didn’t strike me as the kind of guy who wanted a girlfriend right now, especially with his son recently coming to live with him. He needed to focus on other things, and so did I. I’d avoided my family and business troubles. But they were still there. I couldn’t ignore them anymore.

I quickly washed my hair and body, not wanting to miss this time with Ryan. I wanted to see him cooking in my kitchen.

I dressed in my softest faded navy sweatpants and a white T-shirt before padding barefoot down the stairs.

Ryan seemingly filled all the available space in the kitchen. He deftly moved around, plating the fried eggs and grabbing toast from the toaster.

No man had ever cooked me breakfast—other than Jake, and he didn’t count.

Ryan gave me a sheepish look. “I wasn’t sure how you liked your eggs.”

Moving to the counter, I pulled out the stool. “This is fine. I thought you didn’t like to cook.”

He winked. “I can handle breakfast.”

He grabbed butter from the fridge and silverware. Pouring orange juice, he slid one glass across the counter toward me.

“This is great.” Impressive even. Who would have thought Ryan would cook breakfast for girls the morning after? Not that I wanted to think too hard about how Ryan was with other women.

“I don’t get an opportunity to cook breakfast often. We’re always racing to get out the door after having overslept.”

I was grateful Ryan was referring to Corey. Had he not dated much lately, or was it not in the forefront of his mind?

Sitting next to me, he poured hot sauce on his eggs and dug into his food, devouring it within minutes.

I ate a little slower, savoring having him in my kitchen.

When he finished, he cleaned up our plates. This was where it would get awkward. He’d make some excuses or promise to call later, but I wasn’t sure he would. Reality had to set in soon. We couldn’t avoid the subject of Jake forever.

Sipping my orange juice, I waited for the other shoe to drop. “I just realized you never showed me how to change a tire yesterday.”

Ryan chuckled. “We were busy.”

His expression was soft, his shoulders relaxed. He didn’t seem to regret anything. In fact, he seemed content. Happy even.

I’d have to trust that if something changed, he’d tell me. “Are you helping Nana tomorrow?”

Ryan nodded. “Jake said something about it.”

When I glanced at the clock, my stomach sank. I needed to open the store. Saturdays were the busiest days. “I need to get to work.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“No game today?”

“It’s a bye week.”

“That’s good.”

We moved toward the door. Pausing, he pulled me into his body, wrapping his arms around me. Then he kissed me, and warmth flooded me.

I wanted to stay in this bubble forever, even though it wasn’t possible. I wanted to ask what it meant, but I was too scared.

Tags: Lea Coll Romance