Page 52 of My Best Chance

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“Thank you for last night,” he said, pulling away.

I smiled tremulously, unsure how to respond. “You’re welcome” sounded absurd, given what we’d shared. My heart got involved last night. It wasn’t smart, but he was so sweet and tender.

Was it a one-night thing, or was this the beginning of something?

“I don’t know what it means, but I liked it.” He wasn’t touching me, and there was space between us.

“I did, too.”

He tipped his head to the side, his expression vulnerable. “Talk to you later?”

“Yeah, sure.” I watched him walk out the door, a headache throbbing at the base of my skull. Was I reading too much into the morning after?

* * *

I stopped at Brooke’s Java Coffee before work, hoping to talk to her, but she was slammed with customers. I asked her to stop by later because I needed to talk to her about last night.

I was floating around with the feeling of having had a really good dream all day. The evening with Ryan felt otherworldly, magical even. Larger than life. Had it even happened, or had I made it up in my head?

I shook my head. I was losing it.

In the late afternoon, Brooke finally stopped in. “I brought a snack.”

“Thank you.” I usually packed lunch, but it wasn’t enough to get me through the entire day.

She’d brought coffee and pastries from her shop. Since there weren’t any customers, I put the sign up saying I’d be back in fifteen minutes and led her to my office. We sat on the two chairs in the tiny space, unwrapping the pastries and sipping lattes.

I practically inhaled a chocolate croissant before I came up for air.

“What’s going on? You seem different.” She waved a hand in my direction.

If Brooke could tell, would Jake be able to?

She narrowed her eyes on me. “Did something happen between Ryan and you?”

I choked on the latte.

When I recovered, Brooke said, “Sorry. I should have waited until you were done eating and drinking.”

“I went to the garage for a lesson in how to change a tire.”

She gave me a look. “I’m not sure how you turned that into sexy times.”

My face heated at the memory of my dance. I’d gone there with the intention of seducing him, and it had worked, almost too well. “We never got to the lesson.”

“So, what? You just walked into the garage and started stripping?”

My skin felt hot and tingly. It wasn’t that naughty, but not innocent, either. I’d gone in there with the plan of coming on to him, but not sure how to go about it. I decided to go in with confidence and see what happened. I wasn’t sure if it was the overalls, the dancing, touching, or a combination of all three, but he was into it.

“Oh my God.”

I held up my hands. “I didn’t strip, but I wore overalls with a white tank.” And racy, red lace panties. I tried to come up with something that would seem hot in the setting. I think he enjoyed it.

She tipped her head to the side.

“I put on my playlist and danced over to him.” My heart was pounding out of my chest when I did that. It was so outside of my comfort zone. I’d never been that brazen. I’d touched him because I wanted to, but the warmth of his chest had grounded me; the heat in his eyes urged me on.

She leaned forward. “Tell me everything.”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance