Page 50 of My Best Chance

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I never thought I’d find myself waking up next to Ryan.

What we’d shared last night had been more intimate than sex, but we hadn’t gone any further. I don’t know what had gotten into me last night, but I’d felt bold, and for the first time, I wanted to go after whatIwanted instead of making the safe decision to ensure he wanted the same things.

I wanted to be beautiful and bold and feel desired. It had worked, but this morning, I wasn’t so sure of anything.

Ryan was here, so that had to mean something.

I wanted to reach over and touch him, but I didn’t want to wake him.

He popped one eye open. “What are you doing over there?”

I covered my now-pounding heart. “Oh. I didn’t realize you were awake.”

“Come here.” His voice cracked slightly, rough from sleep.

He held an arm out, and I curled into his side with a sigh.

He kissed the top of my head. “That’s better.”

“What are we doing?”

“Still existing in last night’s post-orgasmic high and not thinking about the what-ifs.”

“Burying our heads in the sand. I like it.” I wasn’t in any hurry to think about the implications of last night or what Jake would say when he found out.

“In this case, it’s the sheets and your hair.” He breathed me in.

I shifted so I could see his face; his hand stroked down my back, making me arch into him. I wanted more.

He kissed my lips, easing any fears that he regretted last night. I was still shaken from the slip of his tongue after I’d gone down on him. He’d assured me he didn’t regret anything, but I was still waiting for it to set in. For him to tell me it was a huge mistake.

We were reckless last night. It was after hours, so I wasn’t worried about anyone showing up or Jake coming back to work. But if he had, it would have been bad. Ryan assured me there weren’t cameras in the interior of the building, only the exterior.

I hadn’t thought everything through last night. I’d acted on instinct. I wanted Ryan.

Mom wanting to get in touch with me, and Nana wanting to clear out her house, had me unbalanced. I was sick of making the safe choices. The ones where I was protected but not really living.

Ryan made me feel alive.

He stroked a thumb over my lips. “What are you thinking?”

“How good I feel,” I murmured.

“Is that because of me?”

I opened my eyes, debating how honest to be with him. He hadn’t given me any indication that he wanted to forget about last night, so I said, “Yeah.”

He kissed me leisurely. There was no purpose, no sense of urgency. I sank into him, enjoying the feel of his lips on mine and his hand gently squeezing my ass through the satin panties I’d worn to bed.

Finally pulling his lips from mine, he asked, “Do you want to get breakfast?”

What if we ran into Jake, or someone told him they saw us eating breakfast? I wasn’t ready to answer questions when it was still so new, and I didn’t know the answers. “Is that a good idea?”

“I could cook for you if you have eggs.”

Warmth flowed through me like sun on a summer day. “I do.”

He patted my butt. “Want to jump in the shower, and I’ll get started?”

Tags: Lea Coll Romance