Page 20 of Savage Beauty

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The helicopter in question is fueled and ready for take off at a discreet private airfield. Not our regular one. I’m not letting Giovanni find out I’m doing this. I want it to come as a surprise. I’m looking forward to the look on his face when I walk back in and tell him Don Moretti is dead.

“What’s the plan?” Ricky asks, sitting on a battered old stool.

I point to the board behind me. I’ve pinned up the layout of each floor of the house “This is a drone shot of the grounds. The buildings are labeled so get a good look before we go in. We only get one shot at getting this right.”

David points an imaginary gun at me. “I only need one shot.”

“Really?” Andy retorts. “I heard you were shooting blanks.”

“Enough wiseassing,” I tell them both. “I need focus tonight, got it?”

They shut up long enough for me to go through the rest of the plan. “We land here, between the stables and the kennels. Touch down is three a.m. The house will be asleep.”

“Won’t they hear the chopper?”

“That won’t matter. I’ve put the word out to them that Don Casella is sending them two keys for them to shift.”

Ricky whistles. “Two kilos of coke? That’s what we’re getting dolled up for? Why not just drive it in?”

“You dumb fuck,” David replies.


“The coke’s a cover so they won’t care about hearing the chopper landing.”

“Oh, right. I get it.”

I tap the board. “We land the chopper and they stay in the house. They’re expecting one guy with the coke so if they see us all, we’re fucked. You guys out the back as we’re coming in and loop around. I’ll meet you inside for step two.”

Ricky’s still frowning. “Which is what, exactly?”

I take a deep breath before telling them. “We’re whacking Don Moretti.”

The three of them stare at me. Finally, Andy speaks up. “We’re whacking a Don? Holy shit, Nico. You sure about this?”

“Just stick to your jobs and you’ll be fine.”

“How guarded is the place?”

“Not much. Two on the front gate. Two dogs roaming the grounds during the day but locked up in the kennels at night. Cameras on the walls. No one’s watching inside the grounds.”

“Unless they see through your plan.”

“Don Moretti?” David laughs. “The guy couldn’t see his own pecker when it’s in your mom’s hand.”

“What’s that about my mom?” Ricky’s on his feet, fists clenched.

“Knock it off,” I snap. “We need this to be clinical. I want you in and out.”

“Like me on Ricky’s mom.”

I ignore him and continue. “I get in on the first floor. The door’ll be open ready for the coke. While I’m taking it in, you guys should be making your way in the back. The Don’s bedroom is here.” I tap the blueprint on the board. “We move together once we’re inside. Get in. Get him whacked. Get out.”

Andy pipes up for the first time. “What’s the policy on collateral?”

“No one else dies but him.”

“What if someone gets handy?”

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance