Page 21 of Savage Beauty

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“This is about sending a message. We don’t do that if we take out civilians. Do your job right and no one else will even know we’re there. Knife to the Don if you can but bullet will do if he starts shooting. Soon as it’s done, split up and meet me back at the chopper. I want us in and out of there inside five minutes. Like David last time he saw Ricky’s mom.”

The three of them laugh while I start checking my kit. I’ve got it all laid out on the table in front of me. Silenced pistol. Two knives. Spare clips. Four watches synced.

These guys know the drill. We’ve done plenty of shit like this before, all of us.

I look at the three men and I think to myself that I can’t imagine anyone better for this job. Matteo brought together the three men most loyal and dependable for this kind of work.

I half expected him to bring me associates rather than made men. Might be better to have them whack a Don, give us grounds to deny involvement.

But there’s a chance associates might switch sides. Made men? Never.

I think of the men I’ve killed before. How much blood there is on my hands. How much pain I’ve caused and endured for this family. Then I think of Giovanni, swanning through life keeping his hands clean. To think he might become Don boils my piss.

This should swing things in my favor. Sure, I still need to find that girl from last night but I’ve got my people working on it. By the time I get back, they should have an address for me. Then I offer her an obscene amount of money to marry me. She’ll say yes when I tell her it’s only for long enough for me to become Don. After that, we sign the divorce papers and off she goes.

No need to mention the pregnancy part. There’s a chance she already is and if she isn’t, I can get her pregnant easily enough. We can even co-parent if that’s what she wants. Gives me an excuse to continue to see her. The thought of that is strangely comforting.

I’m not a man given over to too much emotion but the idea of never seeing her again makes me uneasy. I feel more emotion about that than I do about tonight’s mission.

This is child’s play. There’s nothing to it.

Killing a man is easy, especially when it’s unexpected. No one is going to try anything with me. They know my reputation. Any of the staff see my crew, my name gets mentioned and they all stand down. They’re not going to lose their lives over a low level Don like Moretti. Rumor is he treats his staff like shit anyway. They’ll probably be glad to get the chance to come into the fold.

The rest of the evening is spent preparing. We get to the airfield in time to take off at exactly 2.30 in the morning. No need to waste time in the air. From our place to his is not far and I don’t want to take any longer than necessary.

The flight doesn’t take long. I look across at the three men, making sure they’re ready. The jokes have stopped. They all look as serious about this as I feel.

Once this is done, my father can talk to the commission. He must have gained their approval already or Giovanni wouldn’t have been given permission to whack Moretti.

I didn’t go see them in advance just in case they told me to back down, gave Giovanni the job.

Better to ask forgiveness than permission. I just need to make sure they understand we aren’t doing this for our own ends. Only to restore our honor.

Moretti whacked a made man. One of our own. He must pay the consequences. He’s insulted our family. We do not take insults lying down. That’s why we run this city.

When I spot Moretti’s compound coming up, I signal to my men. They nod back at me as one. “Ready?” I mouth.

Another set of nods.

I feel adrenaline rising up in me. My face is calm, my hands perfectly steady. My pulse is up though. Anything could happen and adrenaline helps make sure I’m ready for whatever might be waiting down there.

Andy brings us in to land at exactly three in the morning. The rotors keep turning. He’ll remain here, ready to take off at a moment’s notice. The other two are out the door of the chopper as soon as we touch down. They disappear into the dark. In seconds it’s like they were never here.

I climb out facing the house, carrying the parcel with the baking soda inside. By the time anyone works out it’s not coke, I’ll be long gone.

I stride toward the mansion, the parcel in my hand. I’m halfway there when I get a feeling in my gut that something isn’t right.

I always trust my instincts.

I stop, listen hard. Nothing. Still that feeling. I can’t shift it. Something bad is about to happen. I can tell.

I duck down behind a rose bush and that’s what saves my life when they start shooting at me.



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Tags: Rosa Milano Romance