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Al:Blondie? I see your thumb on the keyboard. You touch it, and I get the speech dots. Then you stop. I know you’re there.

Al:Wanna fuck?


I don’t even know what to say. Like I am every time he purposely torments me, I’m speechless. He overwhelms me. He’s too crude. Too sexy. Too often right.

Al:Yes, my beautiful blonde fuck toy?

Me:You need to stop. You need to leave. Go far away from Abel before you end up dead or in prison. Get away from this town. Your days of freedom are limited.

Al:Aww, Blondie. You care about me. Are you trying to save me?


Me:The people chasing you are good at what they do. They’re smart, fast. Rich and stubborn as hell. Jules is like a dog with a bone. She does what she does because she likes to argue. Alex does what he does because criminals offend him. This isn’t your regular fat town sheriff and a pro-bono lawyer that doesn’t give a shit. They won’t stop.

Al:You really do care. Can you feel that? That’s my heart beating for you, Blondie.

Me:Stop joking! This isn’t funny.

And the fact I’m warning him, the fact I do care, ruins everything. I’m compromised. I can’t be objective.

And there’s seriously something wrong with me that I’m undoing everything I’ve worked so hard for, for a man I met two days ago.

I’m ashamed of myself.

I should be talking to Jules and Alex. I got a confession to murder just eight or nine hours ago. My word against his isn’t much, but Jules and Alex will believe me, and my word would strengthen their resolve to work at this.

Al:No, Jess. It ain’t funny. I’m not laughing. I changed my mind; stay on your side of town. I was thinking with my dick when I messaged. You need to pretend I don’t exist.

Me:I can’t pretend you don’t exist! You are my job! You! I’ve been studying you for months, Kane!

And I’m still abusing the exclamation mark. It’s a sickness. I can’t stop.

Al:You need to pack those files away and go study for your exams. Stay away from me. Stay away from Infernos.

Me:You can’t tell me where to go or what to do. The most helpful thing you could do right now is admit in writing that you killed that man. That would be super duper handy for me.

When the text dots vanish, I frown. When he doesn’t reply within a minute, since his replies have all been rapid fire, I chew on my bottom lip.



At the sound of my front door opening, then of Kari’s ass hitting the floor where my brother threw her – which has become a habit of theirs – I frantically type.

Me:Kane! Answer me. Leave town. Run away. Don’t hurt anyone anymore. Not even other bad guys. Leave it to the law.

Me:I’ll come to Infernos tonight if you don’t answer.

Al:Do. Not. Come. To. Infernos. I will NOT be there to protect you.

Me:You won’t be there because you ran away to live a long life as a grocery store bagger?

Al:Fuck no. I’ll be working, but not in a grocery store.

Al:I’m not joking, Blondie. No games. Don’t go to Infernos tonight. I’ll be fifty miles away. I can’t protect you tonight.

Tags: Emilia Finn Checkmate Dark